Paolo Battino

Forecast, Development, User Applications and Services

Professional interests:
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Front-end web development
  • Information Architecture
  • Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Visualization
Career background:

Paolo worked as Human Factor Expert in international Air Traffic Control research projects, within the European agency Eurocontrol. He was part of a team in charge of conducting experiments to test novel procedures and radar visual tools to increase safety and capacity in air traffic over Europe. He then joined LdP Progetti GIS, and worked as front-end web developer for e-government web services. He contributed to the design and development of the webGIS used in the international project for the rehabilitation of Bethlehem area, Palestine (a project endorsed by UNESCO and funded by the Italian Government).
In 2008, Paolo was hired by the Royal Irish Academy to lead the front-end development of the Digital Humanities Observatory project, including the development of a national repository of digital objects.
In 2012 Paolo moved to London, UK, to join the Chorley Institute at UCL (University College London). Within a Google-funded project led by Dr. Muki Haklay, Paolo's main task was the investigation of different ways of using 3D visualization in Geography classes.

In 2013 Paolo joined the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts as front-end web developer. Since then, he has worked on various teams involved in the design and development of the ECMWF institutional web site.

In 2019 Paolo moved to the EFAS team, where he is currently working as webGIS developer.