Katie Lean

Scientist (Earth System Assimilation)
Research, Earth System Assimilation, Microwave Radiance Observations


Katie is working on the assimilation of satellite wind information from Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs). Recent work has focused largely on the assessment and implementation of AMVs from new satellites in the operational system. Improving the use of AMVs in the current assimilation system is also ongoing, in particular investigating how to better account for errors in the assigned heights of the winds.


Professional interests:
  • AMV assimilation
  • Assimilation of winds from other satellites and conventional observations
  • Indirect wind information from radiance assimilation
Career background:

Katie completed her Master’s degree in 2009 with her final year project focusing on the detection of large aerosol events in satellite images. She joined the Met Office as part of the Satellite Imagery Applications Group where she initially worked on the validation of satellite sea surface temperatures for climate applications. She later moved to the Satellite Radiance Assimilation Group where the focus moved to the assimilation of microwave radiances. In October 2015, she joined ECMWF as a EUMETSAT Research Fellow and now explores the interpretation and assimilation of AMVs.


09/2015 - present - EUMETSAT Research Fellow at ECMWF

10/2012 - 08/2015 - Scientist at the Met Office (Satellite Applications section)

10/2009 - 09/2012 - Foundation Scientist at the Met Office (Satellite Applications section)

2005-2009 - Master’s degree in physics at University of Oxford



Lean, K. and Saunders, R. (2013), Validation of the ATSR Re-processing for Climate (ARC) dataset using data from drifting buoys and a three-way error analysis. Amer. Met. Soc. J. Climate vol 26, issue 13, pp.4758-4772

Merchant, C. J., Embury, O., Rayner, N. A., Berry, D. I., Corlett, G. K., Lean, K., Veal, K. L., Kent, E. C., Llewellyn-Jones, D. T., Remedios, J. J., Saunders, R. (2012), A 20 year independent record of sea surface temperature for climate from Along-Track Scanning Radiometers, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C12013, doi:10.1029/2012JC008400.


Lean, K., Bormann, N. and Salonen, K. (2017), Assessment of new AMV data in the ECMWF system: First year report. EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme Research Report No. 43

Lean, K., Bormann, N. and Salonen, K. (2017), Assessment of Himawari-8 AMV data in the ECMWF system. EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme Research Report No. 42.

Martin Stengel, M., Schröder, M., Schneider, N., August, T., Gambacorta, A., Hess, M., Lean, K., Schulz, J., Bojkov, B., (2012), Assessment of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer Water Vapor Retrievals by the ESA DUE GlobVapour Project. GEWEX Newsletter, May 2012