Scientist for Wave Modelling
Research, Earth System Modelling, Ocean Modelling
Josh joined ECMWF in 2022 as part of the Destination Earth Project. His background is in ocean surface gravity waves and his work at ECMWF focuses on various aspects of waves and wave-coupled interactions (ocean, atmosphere and sea ice), with a focus on improving representation of these processes at higher resolutions.
Professional interests:
- Wave-modelling
- Wave-coupled interactions: ocean, atmosphere and sea ice
Career background:
- May 2020 – Jul 2022: Joint PhD candidate, University of Melbourne and University of Hamburg
Introducing observation-based physics into the WAM wave model. Spectral modelling of wave attenuation and wave induced ice breakup in the Antarctic. Wave-induced mixing in the ocean. Supervisors: Alexander Babanin, Joanna Staneva, Jean Bidlot, Corinna Schrum, Ian Young.
- Apr 2021 – Apr 2022: Metocean Numerical Modeller at SeaPort OPX
Set-up, implementation and scientific and technical support around numerical modelling for operational MetOcean forecasting. Includes nested, high-resolution implementations of the WRF atmospheric model, and the MIKE wave models (spectral and phase resolving). Supervisor: Tim Womersley
- Jan 2020 – Apr 2020: Visiting Scientist, ECMWF
Improving representation of breaking and non-breaking waves in the NEMO4 ocean model. Supervisor: Jean Bidlot
- Sep 2019 – Dec 2019: Research Assistant, Budapest University of Technology
Improving model representation of shallow, fetch-limited lakes. Supervisor: Peter Torma
- May 2018 – May 2019: BSc. Honours, University of Melbourne
The effect of non-breaking waves on projections of 21st century ocean heat content. Supervisors: Kevin Walsh, Alexander Babanin
- Mar 2015 – May 2018: BSc. Climate and Weather, University of Melbourne
- 2023
- Joshua Kousal, Kevin J. E. Walsh, Zhenya Song, Qingxiang Liu, Fangli Qiao, Alexander V. Babanin (March 2023) Surface Wave Mixing Modifies Projections of 21st Century Ocean Heat Uptake, Atmosphere. DOI: 10.3390/atmos14030532
- 2022
- Vera Istvánovics, Márk Honti, Péter Torma, Josh Kousal (June 2022) Record‐setting algal bloom in polymictic Lake Balaton (Hungary): A synergistic impact of climate change and (mis)management, Freshwater Biology. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13903
- J. Kousal, J. J. Voermans, Q. Liu, P. Heil, A. V. Babanin (May 2022) A Two‐Part Model for Wave‐Sea Ice Interaction: Attenuation and Break‐Up, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. DOI: 10.1029/2022JC018571
- Joshua Kousal, Qingxiang Liu, Joanna Staneva, Arno Behrens, Heinz Günther, Jean-Raymond Bidlot, Alexander V. Babanin (June 2022) Introducing Observation-Based Physics Into the WAM Wave Model, Volume 2: Structures, Safety, and Reliability. DOI: 10.1115/omae2022-79652