Jonathan Day

Research, Earth System Predictability, Long Range


Jonny is a scientist at European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) working on weather and climate processes and prediction. He is a member of the Long-range (seasonal) forecasting team at ECMWF, focusing on coupled land-atmosphere and ice-ocean-atmosphere processes.

Professional interests:
  • Coupled weather and climate processes

  • Predictability and prediction

  • Process-oriented forecast evaluation

  • Climate variability and change

  • Land-atmosphere feedbacks

  • Sea ice prediction

  • Polar Meteorology

Career background:

Before joining ECMWF in 2017 Jonny was an AXA Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Reading. His research focussed on Arctic cyclones, sea ice prediction and polar climate processes. Before this he was a Post-Doc at the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). He received his PhD from the University of Bristol in 2011.

External recognitions

Jonny was a steering group member of the World Weather Research Program – Polar Prediction Project (from 2013-2022), a 10 year WMO initiative designed to improve the provision of polar weather forecasting in the polar regions.