Jessica Keune

Forecast, Evaluation, Evaluation Applications

Jessica Keune joined ECMWF in 2023 as a scientist in the Forecast Department. Her expertise is on the interface between meteorology and hydrology with a special focus on the global water cycle, feedbacks in the Earth system, and hydro-meteorological extremes, such as droughts and heatwaves. At ECMWF, Jessica is currently developing drought products using reanalyses and forecasts, covering sub-seasonal and seasonal time scales and local to global spatial scales. Within the European project CENTAUR, she helps to not only predict hazards but also their impacts on society by developing a novel operational monitoring and warning system for water scarcity and crises. Her overarching goal is to improve the predictions of dry and hot extremes and their impact on society. 
Professional interests:
  • Global water cycle
  • Drought monitoring and forecasting
  • Impact monitoring and forecasting
  • Development of early warning systems
  • Earth system modeling
  • Land–Atmosphere interactions
  • Human influence on weather & climate
Career background:

Professional Experience

  • 2020–2023: Postdoctoral fellow, Ghent University, Belgium
  • 2017–2020: Postdoctoral researcher, Ghent University, Belgium
  • 2013–2017: Doctoral researcher, University of Bonn and Research Centre Juelich, Germany


  • 2018: PhD | Meteorology, University of Bonn, Germany
  • 2012: Master of Sciences | Physics of the Earth and the Atmosphere, University of Bonn, Germany
  • 2010: Bachelor of Sciences | Meteorology, University of Bonn, Germany
External recognitions

Jessica has received several awards and prices, such as the 1st Young Academics Award from the Geoverbund ABC/J in 2019, and was nominated as "Outstanding Reviewer" for Geophysical Research Letters in 2019. She received two postdoctoral fellowships by the Flanders Research Association (FWO) and the Special Research Fund Belgium (BOF), and four travels grants from FWO and the German Exchange Service (DAAD) for attending international conferences. Since 2018, she has been supervising 3 doctoral students. She is a member at the German Meteorological Association (DMG), in the European Geoscience Union (EGU) and the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and has convened several sessions at General Assemblies of EGU.