Principal Scientist
Research, Earth System Predictability, Extended Range
Frederic Vitart has a scientific background in weather and climate. He has over 20 years of expertise in operational probabilistic forecasting and numerical model development at ECMWF. His current main duty at ECMWF is to lead research on extended-range forecasting.
Professional interests:
Frederic Vitart's main professional interests include:
- Sub-seasonal and seasonal prediction
- Tropical cyclone prediction
- Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
- Tropical-extratropical interactions
- Forecast verification
Career background:
- Research scientist at ECMWF since Nov. 1998
- 1994-1998 Ph.D student in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences program at Princeton University, USA
- 1992-1994 Research scientist at Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France
- 1990-1992 Visiting scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratoty, USA
- 1990 Graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris
External recognitions
- Co-chair of the WWRP/WCRP sub-seasonal-to-seasonal Prediction (S2S) project
- Former member of the WGNE/MJO-Task Force
- 2024
- Jamie Mathews, Arnaud Czaja, Frederic Vitart, Christopher David Roberts (February 2024) Gulf Stream Moisture Fluxes Impact Atmospheric Blocks Throughout the Northern Hemisphere. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.170897104.45485158/v1
- Joshua Dorrington, Christian Grams, Federico Grazzini, Linus Magnusson, Frederic Vitart (January 2024) Domino: A new framework for the automated identification of weather event precursors, demonstrated for European extreme rainfall, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4622
- Alexey Yu. Karpechko, Frederic Vitart, Irina Statnaia, Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda, Andrew James Charlton‐Perez, Inna Polichtchouk (April 2024) The tropical influence on sub‐seasonal predictability of wintertime stratosphere and stratosphere–troposphere coupling, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4649
- Frédéric Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda (April 2024) Sources of MJO teleconnection errors in the ECMWF extended‐range forecasts, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4688
- J. P. Mathews, A. Czaja, F. Vitart, C. Roberts (July 2024) Gulf Stream Moisture Fluxes Impact Atmospheric Blocks Throughout the Northern Hemisphere, Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2024GL108826
- Jing Yang, Tao Zhu, Frederic Vitart, Bin Wang, Baoqiang Xiang, Qing Bao, June-Yi Lee (July 2024) Synchronous Eurasian heat extremes tied to boreal summer combined extratropical intraseasonal waves, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. DOI: 10.1038/s41612-024-00714-1
- Federico Grazzini, Joshua Dorrington, Christian M. Grams, George C. Craig, Linus Magnusson, Frederic Vitart (July 2024) Improving forecasts of precipitation extremes over northern and central Italy using machine learning, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4755
- (September 2024) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 918. DOI: 10.21957/52f2f31351
- Tao Zhu, Jing Yang, Qing Bao, Frederic Vitart (November 2024) Boreal Summer Extratropical Intraseasonal Oscillation Prediction in Current Subseasonal‐To‐Seasonal Operational Models Over Eurasia, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1029/2024JD042015
- 2023
- A. Oertel, M. Pickl, J. F. Quinting, S. Hauser, J. Wandel, L. Magnusson, M. Balmaseda, F. Vitart, C. M. Grams (February 2023) Everything Hits at Once: How Remote Rainfall Matters for the Prediction of the 2021 North American Heat Wave, Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL100958
- Danni Du, Aneesh C. Subramanian, Weiqing Han, Ho‐Hsuan Wei, Beena Balan Sarojini, Magdalena Balmaseda, Frederic Vitart (February 2023) Assessing the Impact of Ocean In Situ Observations on MJO Propagation Across the Maritime Continent in ECMWF Subseasonal Forecasts, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. DOI: 10.1029/2022MS003044
- (September 2023) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2023 upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 911. DOI: 10.21957/d47ba5263c
- Ho‐Hsuan Wei, Aneesh C. Subramanian, Kristopher B. Karnauskas, Danni Du, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Beena B. Sarojini, Frederic Vitart, Charlotte A. DeMott, Matthew R. Mazloff (October 2023) The role of in situ ocean data assimilation in ECMWF subseasonal forecasts of sea‐surface temperature and mixed‐layer depth over the tropical Pacific ocean, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4570
- 2022
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Frederic Vitart, Zied Ben Bouallègue, Laura Ferranti, Fernando Prates, David Richardson (September 2022) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2021 upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 902. DOI: 10.21957/xqnu5o3p
- Ruping Mo, Hai Lin, Frédéric Vitart (June 2022) An anomalous warm-season trans-Pacific atmospheric river linked to the 2021 western North America heatwave, Communications Earth & Environment. DOI: 10.1038/s43247-022-00459-w
- Frederic Vitart, Rebecca Emerton, Mark John Rodwell, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Thomas Haiden, Stephanie Johnson, Linus Magnusson, Chris Roberts, irina sandu (January 2022) Investigating biases in the representation of the Pacific sub-tropical jet stream and associated teleconnections (a UGROW sub-project), ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 889. DOI: 10.21957/jcfqpdr2
- Annika Oertel, Moritz Pickl, Julian F. Quinting, Seraphine Hauser, Jan Lucas Wandel, Linus Magnusson, Magdalena Balmaseda, Frederic Vitart, Christian Michael Grams (August 2022) Everything hits at once - how remote rainfall matters for the prediction of the Canadian heat 2021. DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10512269.1
- Hai Lin, Ruping Mo, Frederic Vitart (March 2022) The 2021 Western North American Heatwave and Its Subseasonal Predictions, Geophysical Research Letters n. 6. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL097036
- Frederic Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Manuel Fuentes (October 2022) The next extended-range configuration for IFS Cycle 48r1, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 173, pp. 21-26. DOI: 10.21957/fv6k37c49h
- Christopher D. Roberts, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Steffen Tietsche, Frederic Vitart (October 2022) Sensitivity of ECMWF coupled forecasts to improved initialization of the ocean mesoscale, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4383
- Juan J. González‐Alemán, Christian M. Grams, Blanca Ayarzagüena, Pablo Zurita‐Gotor, Daniela I. V. Domeisen, Iñigo Gómara, Belén Rodríguez‐Fonseca, Frédéric Vitart (January 2022) Tropospheric Role in the Predictability of the Surface Impact of the 2018 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event, Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL095464
- C. Ole Wulff, Frédéric Vitart, Daniela I. V. Domeisen (April 2022) Influence of trends on subseasonal temperature prediction skill, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4259
- 2021
- M. Nakano, F. Vitart, K. Kikuchi (May 2021) Impact of the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation on Typhoon Tracks in the Western North Pacific and the Prediction Skill of the ECMWF Model, Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2020GL091505
- C. D. Roberts, F. Vitart, M. A. Balmaseda (February 2021) Hemispheric Impact of North Atlantic SSTs in Subseasonal Forecasts, Geophysical Research Letters n. 4. DOI: 10.1029/2020GL091446
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Frederic Vitart, Zied Ben Bouallègue, Laura Ferranti, Crtistina Prates, David Richardson (January 2021) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2020 upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 880. DOI: 10.21957/6njp8byz4
- Frédéric Vitart, Yuhei Takaya (July 2021) Lagged ensembles in sub‐seasonal predictions, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4125
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Frederic Vitart, Zied Ben Bouallègue, Laura Ferranti, Fernando Prates (September 2021) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2021 upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 884. DOI: 10.21957/90pgicjk4
- 2020
- Jean Bidlot, Fernando Prates, Roberto Ribas, Anna Mueller-Quintino, Marijana Crepulja, Frederic Vitart (July 2020) Enhancing tropical cyclone wind forecasts, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 164, pp. 33-37. DOI: 10.21957/k0w4fp581h
- Chris Roberts, Antje Weisheimer, Stephanie Johnson, Timothy Stockdale, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Philip Browne, Andrew Dawson, Martin Leutbecher, Frederic Vitart (January 2020) Reduced-resolution ocean configurations for efficient testing with the ECMWF coupled model, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 858. DOI: 10.21957/6fz18mn9r
- 2019
- Frederic Vitart, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Jean Bidlot, Simon Lang, Ivan Tsonevsky, David Richardson, Magdalena A. Balmaseda (February 2019) Use of ERA5 to Initialize Ensemble Re-forecasts, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 841. DOI: 10.21957/w8i57wuz6
- J. F. Quinting, F. Vitart (January 2019) Representation of Synoptic‐Scale Rossby Wave Packets and Blocking in the S2S Prediction Project Database, Geophysical Research Letters n. 2, pp. 1070-1078. DOI: 10.1029/2018GL081381
- R. W. Lee, S. J. Woolnough, A. J. Charlton‐Perez, F. Vitart (November 2019) ENSO Modulation of MJO Teleconnections to the North Atlantic and Europe, Geophysical Research Letters n. 22, pp. 13535-13545. DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084683
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Frederic Vitart, Laura Ferranti, Fernando Prates (November 2019) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2019 upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 853. DOI: 10.21957/mlvapkke
- Frederic Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Angela Benedetti, Beena Balan Sarojini, Steffen Tietsche, Junchen Yao, Martin Janousek, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Martin Leutbecher, Peter Bechtold, Inna Polichtchouk, David Richardson, Timothy Stockdale, Chris Roberts (November 2019) Extended-range prediction, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 854. DOI: 10.21957/pdivp3t9m
- Laura Ferranti, Linus Magnusson, Frederic Vitart, David Richardson (January 2019) A new product to flag up the risk of cold spells in Europe weeks ahead, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 158, pp. 15-20. DOI: 10.21957/k2rlf88oe1
- Frederic Vitart, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Jean Bidlot, Simon Lang, Ivan Tsonevsky, David Richardson, Magdalena A. Balmaseda (November 2019) Use of ERA5 reanalysis to initialise re‑forecasts proves beneficial, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 161, pp. 26-31. DOI: 10.21957/g71fv083lm
- 2018
- Rossana Dragani, Angela Benedetti, Johannes Flemming, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Michail Diamantakis, Alan Geer, Robin Hogan, Timothy Stockdale, Melanie Ades, Anna Agusti-Panareda, Barré J., Peter Bechtold, Alessio Bozzo, Hans Hersbach, Elias Hólm, Zak Kipling, Antje Inness, Julie Letertre-Danczak, Sebastien Massart, Marco Matricardi, Tony McNally, M. Parrington, irina sandu, Cornel Soci, Frederic Vitart (December 2018) Atmospheric Composition priority developments for Numerical Weather Prediction, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 833. DOI: 10.21957/5e0whui2y
- Frederic Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda (October 2018) Impact of sea surface temperature biases on extended-range forecasts, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 830. DOI: 10.21957/xvbl914ps
- Haiden T., Martin Janousek, Jean Bidlot, Buizza R., Ferranti L., F. Prates, Frederic Vitart (October 2018) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2018 upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 831. DOI: 10.21957/ldw15ckqi
- Hans Hersbach, Patricia de Rosnay, Bill Bell, Dinand Schepers, Adrian Simmons, Cornel Soci, Saleh Abdalla, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Peter Bechtold, P. Berrisford, Jean Bidlot, de Boisséson E., Massimo Bonavita, Browne P., Roberto Buizza, Per Dahlgren, Dick Dee, Rossana Dragani, Michail Diamantakis, Johannes Flemming, Richard Forbes, Alan Geer, Thomas Haiden, Elias Hólm, L. Haimberger, Robin Hogan, Andras Horanyi, Janiskova M., Patrick Laloyaux, Philippe Lopez, Joaquin Muñoz-Sabater, C. Peubey, Raluca Radu, David Richardson, Jean-Noel THEPAUT, Frederic Vitart, Yang X, Ervin Zsoter, Hao Zuo (December 2018) Operational global reanalysis: progress, future directions and synergies with NWP, ERA Report Series n. 27. DOI: 10.21957/tkic6g3wm
- Alexey Yu. Karpechko, Andrew Charlton‐Perez, Magdalena Balmaseda, Nicholas Tyrrell, Frederic Vitart (December 2018) Predicting Sudden Stratospheric Warming 2018 and Its Climate Impacts With a Multimodel Ensemble, Geophysical Research Letters n. 24. DOI: 10.1029/2018GL081091
- Buizza R., Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Andrew Brown, S.J. English, Richard Forbes, Alan Geer, Haiden T., Martin Leutbecher, Linus Magnusson, Mark John Rodwell, M. Sleigh, Timothy Stockdale, Frederic Vitart, Wedi N. (October 2018) The development and evaluation process followed at ECMWF to upgrade the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 829. DOI: 10.21957/xzopnhty9
- Timothy Stockdale, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Stephanie Johnson, Laura Ferranti, Franco Molteni, Linus Magnusson, Steffen Tietsche, Frederic Vitart, Damien Decremer, Antje Weisheimer, Chris Roberts, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Sarah Keeley, Kristian S. Mogensen, Hao Zuo, Michael Mayer, B.M. Monge-Sanz (November 2018) SEAS5 and the future evolution of the long-range forecast system, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 835. DOI: 10.21957/z3e92di7y
- 2017
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart, Peter Bauer, David Richardson (February 2017) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including 2016-2017 upgrades, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 817. DOI: 10.21957/x397za5p5
- D.L. Bergman, Linus Magnusson, J. Nilsson, Frederic Vitart (February 2017) Forecasting tropical cyclone landfall using ECMWF's seasonal forecasts from System 4, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 811. DOI: 10.21957/lg4nj4d1o
- Robin Hogan, Maike Ahlgrimm, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Anton Beljaars, P. Berrisford, Alessio Bozzo, Francesca Di Giuseppe, R.M. Forbes, Thomas Haiden, Simon Lang, Michael Mayer, I. Polichtchouk, irina sandu, Frederic Vitart, Nils Wedi (February 2017) Radiation in numerical weather prediction, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 816. DOI: 10.21957/2bd5dkj8x
- 2016
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart, Peter Bauer, David Richardson (February 2016) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including the 2016 resolution upgrade, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 792. DOI: 10.21957/vltarm3ql
- 2015
- Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, Peter Bauer, Jean Bidlot, Mohamed Dahoui, Laura Ferranti, F. Prates, David Richardson, Frederic Vitart (February 2015) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including 2014-2015 upgrades, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 765. DOI: 10.21957/nu7pfcjke
- 2014
- Thomas Haiden, Peter Bauer, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, Timothy Hewson, F. Prates, David Richardson, Frederic Vitart (December 2014) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including 2013-2014 upgrades, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 742. DOI: 10.21957/ei4wlemsl
- Frederic Vitart, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Roberto Buizza, Laura Ferranti, Sarah Keeley, Linus Magnusson, Franco Molteni, Antje Weisheimer (October 2014) Sub-seasonal predictions, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 738. DOI: 10.21957/6lw4xoik8
- Antje Weisheimer, S Corti, T.N. Palmer, Frederic Vitart (February 2014) Addressing model error through atmospheric stochastic physical parameterisations: Impact on the coupled ECMWF seasonal forecasting system, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 720, pp. 26. DOI: 10.21957/4nkt0c86t
- Frederic Vitart, Franco Molteni, Roberto Buizza (February 2014) Have ECMWF monthly forecasts been improving?, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 138, pp. 18-23. DOI: 10.21957/z8ma9pkw
- 2013
- Peter A. E. M. Janssen, Ø. Breivik, Kristian S. Mogensen, Frederic Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Jean Bidlot, Sarah Keeley, Martin Leutbecher, Linus Magnusson, Franco Molteni (November 2013) Air-sea interaction and surface waves, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 712, pp. 34. DOI: 10.21957/0kg73joh
- David Richardson, Jean Bidlot, Thomas Haiden, Timothy Hewson, Martin Janousek, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart (November 2013) Evaluation of ECMWF forecasts, including 2012-2013 upgrades., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 710, pp. 55. DOI: 10.21957/sle20lpgb
- Frederic Vitart (February 2013) Evolution of ECMWF sub-seasonal forecast skill scores over the past 10 years, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 694, pp. 28. DOI: 10.21957/tb4x2lkhv
- Peter Bauer, Anton Beljaars, Maike Ahlgrimm, Peter Bechtold, Jean Bidlot, Massimo Bonavita, Alessio Bozzo, Richard Forbes, E. V. Hólm, Martin Leutbecher, Philippe Lopez, Linus Magnusson, F. Prates, Mark John Rodwell, irina sandu, A. Untch, Frederic Vitart (July 2013) Model Cycle 38r2: Components and Performance, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 704, pp. 58. DOI: 10.21957/xc1r0lj6l
- 2012
- Frederic Vitart, Fernando Prates, Axel Bonet, Cihan Sahin (February 2012) New tropical cyclone products on the web, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 130, pp. 17-23. DOI: 10.21957/ti1191e2
- Peter Bechtold, Peter Bauer, P. Berrisford, Jean Bidlot, Carla Cardinali, Thomas Haiden, Martin Janousek, D. Klocke, Linus Magnusson, A. McNally, F. Prates, Mark John Rodwell, N. Semane, Frederic Vitart (November 2012) Progress in predicting tropical systems: The role of convection, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 686, pp. 61. DOI: 10.21957/2hbsfji57
- Hirons L. C., P. Inness, Frederic Vitart, Peter Bechtold (June 2012) Understanding advances in the simulation of intraseasonal variability in the ECMWF model. Part II: The application of process-based diagnostics, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 682, pp. 15. DOI: 10.21957/otya4quw
- Hirons L. C., P. Inness, Frederic Vitart, Peter Bechtold (July 2012) Understanding advances in the simulation of intraseasonal variability in the ECMWF model. Part I: The representation of the MJO, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 681, pp. 15. DOI: 10.21957/9eibvh0hi
- David Richardson, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, A Ghelli, Thomas Haiden, Timothy Hewson, Martin Janousek, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart (November 2012) Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2011-2012., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 688, pp. 53. DOI: 10.21957/1zh9rr3q6
- 2011
- Franco Molteni, Timothy Stockdale, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Roberto Buizza, Laura Ferranti, Linus Magnusson, Kristian S. Mogensen, T.N. Palmer, Frederic Vitart (November 2011) The new ECMWF seasonal forecast system (System 4), ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 656, pp. 49. DOI: 10.21957/4nery093i
- Frederic Vitart, Franco Molteni (February 2011) Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and its impact over Europe in ECMWF’s monthly forecasts, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 126, pp. 12-17. DOI: 10.21957/we6q5m9r
- David Richardson, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, A Ghelli, Thomas Haiden, Timothy Hewson, Martin Janousek, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart (December 2011) Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2010-2011., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 654, pp. 50. DOI: 10.21957/35b98nqdn
- 2010
- Mark John Rodwell, T. Jung, Peter Bechtold, P. Berrisford, Niels Bormann, Carla Cardinali, Laura Ferranti, Timothy Hewson, Franco Molteni, Nils Wedi, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Massimo Bonavita, Roberto Buizza, Mohamed Dahoui, Anotonio Garcia-Mendez, Martin Leutbecher, Philippe Lopez, Y. Trémolet, Frederic Vitart (October 2010) Developments in diagnostics research, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 637, pp. 49. DOI: 10.21957/tnuoos42a
- Y Takaya, Frederic Vitart, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Martin Leutbecher, Franco Molteni (March 2010) Implementation of an ocean mixed layer model in IFS, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 622, pp. 34. DOI: 10.21957/0czbftej
- David Richardson, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, A Ghelli, Timothy Hewson, Martin Janousek, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart (October 2010) Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2009-2010., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 635, pp. 45. DOI: 10.21957/jhsdy3m
- 2009
- Mujumdar M., Franco Molteni, A Ghelli, Frederic Vitart, Paul Dando, J.M. Slingo (January 2009) Assessment of ECMWF forecasts: widespread rainfall events during the Indian summer monsoon, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 580, pp. 19. DOI: 10.21957/691kj4uk
- Frederic Vitart, Franco Molteni (February 2009) An experiment with a 46-day Ensemble Prediction System, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 121, pp. 25-29. DOI: 10.21957/23yrlld06b
- Frederic Vitart, Franco Molteni (September 2009) Simulation of the MJO and its teleconnections in an ensemble of 46-day EPS hindcasts, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 597, pp. 60. DOI: 10.21957/g8y9swk43
- David Richardson, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, A Ghelli, C. Gibert, Timothy Hewson, M. Janousek andF. Prates, Frederic Vitart (October 2009) Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2008-2009., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 606, pp. 45. DOI: 10.21957/8awjq1gf8
- 2008
- Frederic Vitart, Axel Bonet, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Jean Bidlot, Roberto Buizza, Manuel Fuentes, Alfred Hofstadler, Franco Molteni, Tim Palmer (February 2008) Merging VarEPS with the monthly forecasting system: a first step towards seamless prediction, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 115, pp. 35-44. DOI: 10.21957/z3t82hzzi5
- Peter Bechtold, Köhler M., Jung T., Martin Leutbecher, Mark John Rodwell, Frederic Vitart (February 2008) Advances in simulating atmospheric variability with IFS cycle 32r3, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 114, pp. 29-38. DOI: 10.21957/33vbh2pla1
- Peter Bechtold, M. Köhler, T. Jung, F. Doblas-Reyes, Martin Leutbecher, Mark John Rodwell, Frederic Vitart, Gianpaolo Balsamo (February 2008) Advances in simulating atmospheric variability with the ECMWF model: from synoptic to decadal time-scales, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 556, pp. 22. DOI: 10.21957/s54t9der
- David Richardson, Jean Bidlot, Laura Ferranti, A Ghelli, Martin Janousek, Martin Leutbecher, F. Prates, Frederic Vitart, Ervin Zsoter (October 2008) Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2007-2008., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 578, pp. 45. DOI: 10.21957/5kq18xj
- David Richardson, Laura Ferranti, A Ghelli, G. van der Grijn, Martin Leutbecher, Frederic Vitart, Ervin Zsoter (January 2008) Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2006-2007., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 547, pp. 43. DOI: 10.21957/kts52tbx0
- 2007
- Franco Molteni, Laura Ferranti, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Timothy Stockdale, Frederic Vitart (February 2007) New web products for the ECMWF Seasonal Forecast System-3, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 111, pp. 28-33. DOI: 10.21957/mdtzlfyu9p
- Anderson D., Timothy Stockdale, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Frederic Vitart, Franco Molteni, F. Doblas-Reyes, Kristian S. Mogensen, A. Vidard (April 2007) Development of the ECMWF seasonal forecast System 3, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 503, pp. 56. DOI: 10.21957/tz11xypf4
- T.N. Palmer, Roberto Buizza, Martin Leutbecher, Renate Hagedorn, T. Jung, Mark John Rodwell, Frederic Vitart, J. Berner, E. Hágel, A.R. Lawrence, Florian Pappenberger, Y-Y. Park, L von Bremen, I Gilmour (October 2007) The Ensemble Prediction System - Recent and Ongoing Developments, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 540, pp. 53. DOI: 10.21957/bh84yl1rj
- David Anderson, Timothy Stockdale, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Frederic Vitart, Franco Molteni, Francisco Dolbas-Reyes, Kristian Mogensen, Arthur Vidard (February 2007) Seasonal Forecast System 3, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 110, pp. 19-25. DOI: 10.21957/kc2i5xvfzp
- Frederic Vitart, Timothy Stockdale, Laura Ferranti (February 2007) Seasonal forecasting of tropical storm frequency, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 112, pp. 16-22. DOI: 10.21957/70sb244i3p
- 2006
- Roberto Buizza, Jean Bidlot, Nils Wedi, Manuel Fuentes, Mats Hamrud, Graham Holt, Tim Palmer, Frederic Vitart (February 2006) The ECMWF Variable Resolution Ensemble Prediction System (VAREPS), ECMWF Newsletter, issue 108, pp. 14-20. DOI: 10.21957/st10ye392d
- Roberto Buizza, Jean Bidlot, Nils Wedi, Manuel Fuentes, M. Hamrud, G. Holt, T.N. Palmer, Frederic Vitart (July 2006) The new ECMWF Variable Resolution Ensemble Prediction System (VAREPS): methodology and validation., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 499, pp. 32. DOI: 10.21957/u29g10kaa
- 2005
- T. Jung, Frederic Vitart (July 2005) Medium-range weather forecasting in the extratropics during wintertime with and without an interactive ocean., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 470, pp. 17. DOI: 10.21957/2yan0i8ij
- 2003
- Frederic Vitart (October 2003) Monthly forecasting system., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 424, pp. 70. DOI: 10.21957/idipp7l0x
- Anderson D., Timothy Stockdale, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Frederic Vitart, F. Doblas-Reyes, Renate Hagedorn, T. Jung, A. Vidard, A. Troccoli, T.N. Palmer (April 2003) Comparison of the ECMWF seasonal forecast Systems 1 and 2, including the relative performance for the 1997/8 El Nino, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 404, pp. 93. DOI: 10.21957/bnb7k5yjf
- J. Vialard, Frederic Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, T.N. Palmer, D.L.T. Anderson (September 2003) An ensemble generation method for seasonal forecasting with an ocean-atmosphere coupled model, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 417, pp. 20. DOI: 10.21957/7w92p4q1r
- 2002
- Frederic Vitart, Anderson D., Timothy Stockdale (October 2002) Seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone landfall over Mozambique, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 387, pp. 30. DOI: 10.21957/0dcuyol9
- Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Frederic Vitart, Laura Ferranti, Anderson D. (September 2002) Westerly wind events and the 1997 El NIno event in the ECMWF seasonal forecasting system: a case study, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 370, pp. 29. DOI: 10.21957/7y56l0jq0
- 2000
- A. Troccoli, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Segschneider J., J. Vialard, D.L.T. Anderson, K. Haines, Timothy Stockdale, Frederic Vitart (June 2000) Salinity adjustments in the presence of temperature data assimilation, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 305, pp. 25. DOI: 10.21957/bt2mazdi2