Estibaliz has been working as a scientist in ECMWF since 2016.
She has participated in different European projects including ANYWHERE, IMPREX, MISTRAL and HIGHLANDER mainly producing new products for high-impact weather and investigating ECMWF IFS and ERA5 post-processing and statistical downscaling methods of ensemble forecast (especially precipitation).
She also works as an analyst in the 'Forecast Daily Report' group whose main task is the analysis and diagnostic of model performance issues in ECMWF forecast.
She is currently Senior Scientist in the new Destination Earth initiative working on the evaluation and diagnosis of extreme events at km-scale global forecasts through the Extremes Digital Twin framework.
- Post-processing and statistical downscaling of forecast outputs.
- New products for high-impact weather forecast.
- Real-time assessment of forecast model performance.
- Predictability at all lead times.
- Extreme events and km-scale global forecast.
- Training forecast users via webinars or training courses.
2016-present: Scientist in Forecast Department, ECMWF.
2015-2016: Postdoctoral Research. University of Leon (Spain).
2016: Visiting Scientist, ISAC (CNR) in Lecce (Italy).
2014: Visiting Scientist, Academia Sinica, Taipei (Taiwan).
2013: Visiting Scientist, Cyprus Meteorological Service.
2010-2015: Scientist and PhD at University of Leon (Spain).
2009-2019: MSc in Meteorology. Universitat de Barcelona (Spain).
2005-2009: BSc in Environmental Sciences. University of Leon (Spain).
- Summa Cum Laude + Best PhD Universidad de León (Spain) 2010-2015 thesis in Sciences 2016-2017
- 2025
- Marianna Lakatos-Szabó, Estíbaliz Gascón, Sándor Baran (January 2025) On statistical calibration of dual-resolution precipitation forecasts. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7702
- 2024
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Xiaohua Yang, Tommaso Benacchio, Fabrizio Baordo, Emy Alerskans, Benoît Vannière, Irina Sandu (August 2024) Maximizing added value in extreme weather forecasting: insights from case studies with the Continuous Global and On-Demand Extremes Digital Twins within the Destination Earth initiative. DOI: 10.5194/ems2024-272
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Michael Maier-Gerber, Benoît Vannière, Birgit Sützl, Linus Magnusson, Irina Sandu (August 2024) Enhancing Extreme Weather Forecasts: Diagnostic Strategies in ECMWF's Destination Earth Initiative . DOI: 10.5194/ems2024-273
- Juan Jesús González-Alemán, Estibaliz Gascon, Daniel Martin, Benoît Vannière, Michael Maier-Gerber, Antonio Jimenez, Carlos Calvo-Sancho, Samuel Viana, Javier Calvo (August 2024) Diagnostics-based evaluation of Mediterranean extreme convective storms on high-resolution simulations under Destination Earth initiative. DOI: 10.5194/ems2024-380
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Andrea Montani, Tim D. Hewson (July 2024) Post‐processing output from ensembles with and without parametrised convection, to create accurate, blended, high‐fidelity rainfall forecasts, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4753
- 2023
- Benoît Vannière, Irina Sandu, Estibaliz Gascon, Richard Forbes, Inna Polichtchouk, Annelize Van Niekerk, Birgit Suetzl, Michail Diamantakis, Peter Bechtold, Gianpaolo Balsamo (May 2023) Towards a Digital Twin of the Earth: ECMWF's effort to build a Kilometre-scale Earth System Model. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6365
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Michael Maier-Gerber, Benoît Vannière, Sandu Irina, Linus Magnusson, Kristian Mogensen (July 2023) Towards a kilometre-scale Earth System Model to better predict extreme weather events: insights from the Destination Earth initiative's case studies.. DOI: 10.5194/ems2023-66
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Irina Sandu, Benoît Vannière, Linus Magnusson, Richard Forbes, Inna Polichtchouk, Annelize Van Niekerk, Birgit Sützl, Michael Maier-Gerber, Michail Diamantakis, Peter Bechtold, Gianpaolo Balsamo (July 2023) Advances towards a better prediction of weather extremes in the Destination Earth initiative . DOI: 10.5194/ems2023-659
- 2022
- (August 2022) How do ecPoint precipitation forecasts compare with postprocessed multi-model ensemble predictions over Switzerland?, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 901. DOI: 10.21957/hy89j7svk
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Augustin Vintzileos, Tim Hewson (June 2022) New probabilistic point forecast products ("ecPoint") for sub-seasonal forecasts and the ERA5 reanalysis - the HIGHLANDER project. DOI: 10.5194/ems2022-457
- 2021
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Augustin Vintzileos, Tim Hewson (June 2021) New ecPoint products for sub-seasonal forecasts and the ERA5 reanalysis - a HIGHLANDER project initiative. DOI: 10.5194/ems2021-85
- (July 2021) The Italian open data meteorological portal: MISTRAL, Meteorological Applications. DOI: 10.1002/met.2004
- Estíbaliz Gascón, Andrea Montani, Tim Hewson (June 2021) The MISTRAL Project provides a new tool for Flash Flood Forecasting in Italy . DOI: 10.5194/ems2021-87
- 2019
- Estíbaliz Gascón, David Lavers, Thomas M. Hamill, David S. Richardson, Zied Ben Bouallègue, Martin Leutbecher, Florian Pappenberger (July 2019) Statistical post‐processing of dual‐resolution ensemble precipitation forecasts across Europe, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.3615
- Michael Fehlmann, Estíbaliz Gascón, Mario Rohrer, Manfred Schwarb, Markus Stoffel (September 2019) Improving Medium‐Range Forecasts of Rain‐on‐Snow Events in Prealpine Areas, Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1029/2018WR024644
- Simone Schauwecker, Estíbaliz Gascón, Shinju Park, Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva, Manfred Schwarb, Daniel Sempere-Torres, Markus Stoffel, Claudia Vitolo, Mario Rohrer (June 2019) Anticipating cascading effects of extreme precipitation with pathway schemes - Three case studies from Europe, Environment International, pp. 291-304. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.02.072
- 2018
- Michael Fehlmann, Estíbaliz Gascón, Mario Rohrer, Manfred Schwarb, Markus Stoffel (May 2018) Estimating the snowfall limit in alpine and pre-alpine valleys: A local evaluation of operational approaches, Atmospheric Research, pp. 136-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.01.016
- 2016
- Abdellaoui G., Abe S., Acheli A., Adams J.H., Ahmad S., Ahriche A., Albert J.-N., Allard D., Alonso G., Anchordoqui L., Andreev V., Anzalone A., Aouimeur W., Arai Y., Arsene N., Asano K., Attallah R., Attoui H., Ave Pernas M., Bacholle S., Bakiri M., Baragatti P., Barrillon P., Bartocci S., Batsch T., Bayer J., Bechini R., Belenguer T., Bellotti R., Belov A., Belov K., Benadda B., Benmessai K., Berlind A.A., Bertaina M., Biermann P.L., Biktemerova S., Bisconti F., Blanc N., Błȩcki J., Blin-Bondil S., Bobik P., Bogomilov M., Bonamente M., Boudaoud R., Bozzo E., Briggs M.S., Bruno A., Caballero K.S., Cafagna F., Campana D., Capdevielle J.-N., Capel F., Caramete A., Caramete L., Carlson P., Caruso R., Casolino M., Cassardo C., Castellina A., Castellini G., Catalano C., Catalano O., Cellino A., Chikawa M., Chiritoi G., Christl M.J., Connaughton V., Conti L., Cordero G., Crawford H.J., Cremonini R., Csorna S., Dagoret-Campagne S., De Donato C., de la Taille C., De Santis C., del Peral L., Di Martino M., Djemil T., Djenas S.A., Dulucq F., Dupieux M., Dutan I., Ebersoldt A., Ebisuzaki T., Engel R., Eser J., Fang K., Fenu F., Fernández-González S., Fernández-Soriano J., Ferrarese S., Finco D., Flamini M., Fornaro C., Fouka M., Franceschi A., Franchini S., Fuglesang C., Fujimoto J., Fukushima M., Galeotti P., García-Ortega E., Garipov G., Gascón E., Geary J., Gelmini G., Genci J., Giraudo G., Gonchar M., González Alvarado C., Gorodetzky P., Guarino F., Guehaz R., Guzmán A., Hachisu Y., Haiduc M., Harlov B., Haungs A., Hernández Carretero J., Hidber W., Higashide K., Ikeda D., Ikeda H., Inoue N., Inoue S., Isgrò F., Itow Y., Jammer T., Joven E., Judd E.G., Jung A., Jochum J., Kajino F., Kajino T., Kalli S., Kaneko I., Kang D., Kanouni F., Karadzhov Y., Karczmarczyk J., Karus M., Katahira K., Kawai K., Kawasaki Y., Kedadra A., Khales H., Khrenov B.A., Kim J.-S., Kim S.-W., Kim S.-W., Kleifges M., Klimov P.A., Kolev D., Kreykenbohm I., Kudela K., Kurihara Y., Kusenko A., Kuznetsov E., Lacombe M., Lachaud C., Lahmar H., Lakhdari F., Larsson O., Lee J., Licandro J., Lim H., López Campano L., Maccarone M.C., Mackovjak S., Mahdi M., Maravilla D., Marcelli L., Marcos J.L., Marini A., Martens K., Martín Y., Martinez O., Masciantonio G., Mase K., Matev R., Matthews J.N., Mebarki N., Medina-Tanco G., Mehrad L., Mendoza M.A., Merino A., Mernik T., Meseguer J., Messaoud S., Micu O., Mimouni J., Miyamoto H., Miyazaki Y., Mizumoto Y., Modestino G., Monaco A., Monnier-Ragaigne D., Morales de los Ríos J.A., Moretto C., Morozenko V.S., Mot B., Murakami T., Nadji B., Nagano M., Nagata M., Nagataki S., Nakamura T., Napolitano T., Nardelli A., Naumov D., Nava R., Neronov A., Nomoto K., Nonaka T., Ogawa T., Ogio S., Ohmori H., Olinto A.V., Orleański P., Osteria G., Painter W., Panasyuk M.I., Panico B., Parizot E., Park I.H., Park H.W., Pastircak B., Patzak T., Paul T., Pennypacker C., Perdichizzi M., Pérez-Grande I., Perfetto F., Peter T., Picozza P., Pierog T., Pindado S., Piotrowski L.W., Piraino S., Placidi L., Plebaniak Z., Pliego S., Pollini A., Popescu E.M., Prat P., Prévôt G., Prieto H., Putis M., Rabanal J., Radu A.A., Rahmani M., Reardon P., Reyes M., Rezazadeh M., Ricci M., Rodríguez Frías M.D., Ronga F., Roth M., Rothkaehl H., Roudil G., Rusinov I., Rybczyński M., Sabau M.D., Sáez Cano G., Sagawa H., Sahnoune Z., Saito A., Sakaki N., Sakata M., Salazar H., Sanchez J.C., Sánchez J.L., Santangelo A., Santiago Crúz L., Sanz-Andrés A., Sanz Palomino M., Saprykin O., Sarazin F., Sato H., Sato M., Schanz T., Schieler H., Scotti V., Segreto A., Selmane S., Semikoz D., Serra M., Sharakin S., Shibata T., Shimizu H.M., Shinozaki K., Shirahama T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło G., Sledd J., Słomińska K., Sobey A., Stan I., Sugiyama T., Supanitsky D., Suzuki M., Szabelska B., Szabelski J., Tahi H., Tajima F., Tajima N., Tajima T., Takahashi Y., Takami H., Takeda M., Takizawa Y., Talai M.C., Tenzer C., Tibolla O., Tkachev L., Tokuno H., Tomida T., Tone N., Toscano S., Traïche M., Tsenov R., Tsunesada Y., Tsuno K., Tymieniecka T., Uchihori Y., Unger M., Vaduvescu O., Valdés-Galicia J.F., Vallania P., Vankova G., Vigorito C., Villaseñor L., Vlcek B., von Ballmoos P., Vrabel M., Wada S., Watanabe J., Watanabe S., Watts J., Weber M., Weigand Muñoz R., Weindl A., Weiler T.J., Wibig T., Wiencke L., Wille M., Wilms J., Włodarczyk Z., Yamamoto T., Yamamoto Y., Yang J., Yano H., Yashin I.V., Yonetoku D., Yoshida S., Young R., Zgura I.S., Zotov M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi A. (February 2016) Meteor studies in the framework of the JEM-EUSO program, Planetary and Space Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2016.12.001
- E. Gascón, S. Laviola, A. Merino, M.M. Miglietta (December 2016) Analysis of a localized flash-flood event over the central Mediterranean, Atmospheric Research, pp. 256-268. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.08.007
- Merino A., Fernández-Vaquero M., López L., Fernández-González S., Hermida L., Sánchez J.L., García-Ortega E., Gascón E. (February 2016) Large-scale patterns of daily precipitation extremes on the Iberian Peninsula, International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4601
- Fernández-González S., Wang P.K., Gascón E., Valero F., Sánchez J.L. (February 2016) Latent cooling and microphysics effects in deep convection, Atmospheric Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.05.022
- 2015
- (October 2015) Spatial distribution of thermodynamic conditions of severe storms in southwestern Europe, Atmospheric Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.05.012
- (February 2015) Numerical diagnosis of a heavy snowfall event in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, Atmospheric Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.08.001
- S. Fernández‐González, F. Valero, J. L. Sánchez, E. Gascón, L. López, E. García‐Ortega, A. Merino (May 2015) Analysis of a seeder‐feeder and freezing drizzle event, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1002/2014JD022916
- Andrés Merino, Laura López, Lucía Hermida, José Luis Sánchez, Eduardo García-Ortega, Estíbaliz Gascón, Sergio Fernández-González (October 2015) Identification of drought phases in a 110-year record from Western Mediterranean basin: Trends, anomalies and periodicity analysis for Iberian Peninsula, Global and Planetary Change, pp. 96-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.08.007
- S. Fernández‐González, F. Valero, J. L. Sánchez, E. Gascón, L. López, E. García‐Ortega, A. Merino (October 2015) Numerical simulations of snowfall events: Sensitivity analysis of physical parameterizations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres n. 19. DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023793
- Rodríguez Frías M.D., Licandro J., Sabau M.D., Sánchez J.L., Franchini S., López L., Ramírez L., Joven E., Reyes M., González-Alvarado C., Belenguer T., Meseguer J., Pérez-Grande I., Sáez-Cano G., Soriano J.F., H'Carretero J., Prieto H., Morales De Los Ríos J.A., Martín Y., Merino A., Sanz-Palomino M., García-Ortega E., Gascón E., Fernández-González S., Alonso G., Roibas E., Sanz-Andrés A., Pindado S., Maroto O., Díez-Merino L., Tomás A., Carbonell J., Echeandía C., Pérez-Cano S., Del Peral L. (February 2015) The Spanish infrared camera onboard the EUSO-BALLOON (CNES) flight on August 24, 2014, Proceedings of Science.
- Merino A., Sánchez J.L., López L., Gascón E., García-Ortega E., Hermida L., Fernández-González S., Soriano J.F., Sáez-Cano G., Del Peral L., Reyes M., Joven E., Martín Y., Licandro J., Franchini S., Rodríguez Frías M.D. (February 2015) Cloud top height estimation from WRF model: Application to the infrared camera onboard euso-balloon, Proceedings of Science.
- Gascõn E., Sánchez J.L., Fernández-González S., Hermida L., Lõpez L., García-Ortega E., Merino A. (February 2015) Monitoring a convective winter episode of the Iberian Peninsula using a multichannel microwave radiometer, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1002/2014JD022510
- 2014
- (April 2014) Hailstorms in southwestern France: Incidence and atmospheric characterization, Atmospheric Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.01.015
- S. Fernández-González, F. Valero, Jose L. Sanchez, E. Gascón, L. López, E. García-Ortega, A. Merino (November 2014) Observation of a freezing drizzle episode: A case study, Atmospheric Research, pp. 244-254. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.06.014
- Merino A., Fernández S., Hermida L., López L., Sánchez J.L., García-Ortega E., Gascón E. (February 2014) Snowfall in the northwest Iberian Peninsula: Synoptic circulation patterns and their influence on snow day trends, Scientific World Journal. DOI: 10.1155/2014/480275
- García-Ortega E., Hermida L., Hierro R., Merino A., Gascón E., Fernández-González S., Sánchez J.L., López L. (February 2014) Anomalies, trends and variability in atmospheric fields related to hailstorms in north-eastern Spain, International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.3910
- Fernández-González S., Sánchez J.L., Gascón E., López L., García-Ortega E., Merino A. (February 2014) Weather features associated with aircraft icing conditions: A case study, The Scientific World Journal. DOI: 10.1155/2014/279063