Principal Scientist & Team Leader IR/VIS Team
Research, Earth System Assimilation, Atmospheric Composition
Angela is a senior scientist in the Atmospheric Composition team of the Earth System Predictability section (Research Department). She joined ECMWF in October 2002 as a research consultant in cloud radar data assimilation. She was the main architect of the aerosol analysis that is now operational at ECMWF as part of the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) and she continues to pioneer the assimilation of new observations, such as satellite and ground-based lidar profiles of aerosol backscatter. Her most recent research focuses on the radiative impact of atmospheric aerosols on weather at the monthly and seasonal scales.
Professional interests:
- Aerosol forecasting
- Data assimilation of atmospheric composition observations
- Development of advanced operators for aerosol assimilation
- Impact of aerosols in NWP at the S2S scale
- Monthly aerosol ensemble prediction
- Atmospheric composition reanalysis
Career background:
- 2013 – present: Senior Scientist, ECMWF, UK
- 2005 – 2013: Scientist, ECMWF, UK
- 2002 – 2005: Research Consultant, ECMWF, UK
External recognitions
- 2018: Observer for the COST Action InDUST
- 2016-present: Member ex-officio of the WMO/Global Atmosphere Watch Scientific Advisory Group on Applications
- 2015-present: Member of the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) Steering Committee
- 2014-present: Member of the WMO SDS-WAS Regional Steering Group (RSG) for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe
- 2013-present: Member of the Mission Advisory Group for the ESA mission AEOLUS
- 2010-present: Co-founder and co-chair of the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) with Drs Jeff S. Reid (NRL) and P. R. Colarco (NASA GSFC).
- 2010-present: Member of the WMO/Global Atmosphere Watch Scientific Advisory Group on Aerosols
- 2014-2016: Scientific Point of Contact for the NASA-funded project Atmospheric Composition Campaign Data Analysis and Modelling (ACCDAM) led Dr Rich Ferrare (NASA Langley)
- 2019
- Frederic Vitart, Magdalena A. Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Angela Benedetti, Beena Balan Sarojini, Steffen Tietsche, Junchen Yao, Martin Janousek, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Martin Leutbecher, Peter Bechtold, Inna Polichtchouk, David Richardson, Timothy Stockdale, Chris Roberts (November 2019) Extended-range prediction, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 854. DOI: 10.21957/pdivp3t9m
- 2018
- Rossana Dragani, Angela Benedetti, Johannes Flemming, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Michail Diamantakis, Alan Geer, Robin Hogan, Timothy Stockdale, Melanie Ades, Anna Agusti-Panareda, Barré J., Peter Bechtold, Alessio Bozzo, Hans Hersbach, Elias Hólm, Zak Kipling, Antje Inness, Julie Letertre-Danczak, Sebastien Massart, Marco Matricardi, Tony McNally, M. Parrington, irina sandu, Cornel Soci, Frederic Vitart (December 2018) Atmospheric Composition priority developments for Numerical Weather Prediction, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 833. DOI: 10.21957/5e0whui2y
- 2017
- Flemming J., Benedetti A., Inness A., Engelen J R., Jones L., Huijnen V., Remy S., Parrington M., Suttie M., Bozzo A., Peuch V.-H., Akritidis D., Katragkou E. (February 2017) The CAMS interim Reanalysis of Carbon Monoxide, Ozone and Aerosol for 2003-2015, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-17-1945-2017
- Aaron-Morrison A.P., Ackerman S.A., Adams N.G., Adler R.F., Albanil A., Alfaro E.J., Allan R., Alves L.M., Amador J.A., Andreassen L.M., Arendt A., Arévalo J., Arndt D.S., Arzhanova N.M., Aschan M.M., Azorin-Molina C., Banzon V., Bardin M.U., Barichivich J., Baringer M.O., Barreira S., Baxter S., Bazo J., Becker A., Bedka K.M., Behrenfeld M.J., Bell G.D., Belmont M., Benedetti A., Bernhard G., Berrisford P., Berry D.I., Bettolli M.L., Bhatt U.S., Bidegain M., Bill B.D., Billheimer S., Bissolli P., Blake E.S., Blunden J., Bosilovich M.G., Boucher O., Boudet D., Box J.E., Boyer T., Braathen G.O., Bromwich D.H., Brown R., Bulygina O.N., Burgess D., Calderón B., Camargo S.J., Campbell J.D., Cappelen J., Carrasco G., Carter B.R., Chambers D.P., Chandler E., Christiansen H.H., Christy J.R., Chung D., Chung E.-S., Cinque K., Clem K.R., Coelho C.A., Cogley J.G., Coldewey-Egbers M., Colwell S., Cooper O.R., Copland L., Cosca C.E., Cross J.N., Crotwell M.J., Crouch J., Davis S.M., De Eyto E., De Jeu R.A.M., De Laat J., Degasperi C.L., Degenstein D., Demircan M., Derksen C., Destin D., Di Girolamo L., Di Giuseppe F., Diamond H.J., Dlugokencky E.J., Dohan K., Dokulil M.T., Dolgov A.V., Dolman A.J., Domingues C.M., Donat M.G., Dong S., Dorigo W.A., Dortch Q., Doucette G., Drozdov D.S., Ducklow H., Dunn R.J.H., Durán-Quesada A.M., Dutton G.S., Ebrahim A., Elkharrim M., Elkins J.W., Espinoza J.C., Etienne-Leblanc S., Evans T.E., Famiglietti J.S., Farrell S., Fateh S., Fausto R.S., Fedaeff N., Feely R.A., Feng Z., Fenimore C., Fettweis X., Fioletov V.E., Flemming J., Fogarty C.T., Fogt R.L., Folland C., Fonseca C., Fossheim M., Foster M.J., Fountain A., Francis S.D., Franz B.A., Frey R.A., Frith S.M., Froidevaux L., Ganter C., Garzoli S., Gerland S., Gobron N., Goldenberg S.B., Gomez R.S., Goni G., Goto A., Grooß J.-U., Gruber A., Guard C.C., Gugliemin M., Gupta S.K., Gutiérrez J.M., Hagos S., Hahn S., Haimberger L., Hakkarainen J., Hall B.D., Halpert M.S., Hamlington B.D., Hanna E., Hansen K., Hanssen-Bauer I., Harris I., Heidinger A.K., Heikkilä A., Heil A., Heim R.R., Hendricks S., Hernández M., Hidalgo H.G., Hilburn K., Ho S.-P.B., Holmes R.M., Hu Z.-Z., Huang B., Huelsing H.K., Huffman G.J., Hughes C., Hurst D.F., Ialongo I., Ijampy J.A., Ingvaldsen R.B., Inness A., Isaksen K., Ishii M., Jevrejeva S., Jiménez C., Jin X., Johannesen E., John V., Johnsen B., Johnson B., Johnson G.C., Jones P.D., Joseph A.C., Jumaux G., Kabidi K., Kaiser J.W., Kato S., Kazemi A., Keller L.M., Kendon M., Kennedy J., Kerr K., Kholodov A.L., Khoshkam M., Killick R., Kim H., Kim S.-J., Kimberlain T.B., Klotzbach P.J., Knaff J.A., Kobayashi S., Kohler J., Korhonen J., Korshunova N.N., Kovacs K.M., Kramarova N., Kratz D.P., Kruger A., Kruk M.C., Kudela R., Kumar A., Lakatos M., Lakkala K., Lander M.A., Landsea C.W., Lankhorst M., Lantz K., Lazzara M.A., Lemons P., Leuliette E., L’Heureux M., Lieser J.L., Lin I.-I., Liu H., Liu Y., Locarnini R., Loeb N.G., Lo Monaco C., Long C.S., López Álvarez L.A., Lorrey A.M., Loyola D., Lumpkin R., Luo J.-J., Luojus K., Lydersen C., Lyman J.M., Maberly S.C., Maddux B.C., Malheiros Ramos A., Malkova G.V., Manney G., Marcellin V., Marchenko S.S., Marengo J.A., Marra J.J., Marszelewski W., Martens B., Martínez-Güingla R., Massom R.A., Mata M.M., Mathis J.T., May L., Mayer M., Mazloff M., McBride C., McCabe M.F., McCarthy M., McClelland J.W., McGree S., McVicar T.R., Mears C.A., Meier W., Meinen C.S., Mekonnen A., Menéndez M., Mengistu Tsidu G., Menzel W.P., Merchant C.J., Meredith M.P., Merrifield M.A., Metzl N., Minnis P., Miralles D.G., Mistelbauer T., Mitchum G.T., Monselesan D., Monteiro P., Montzka S.A., Morice C., Mote T., Mudryk L., Mühle J., Mullan A.B., Nash E.R., Naveira-Garabato A.C., Nerem R.S., Newman P.A., Nieto J.J., Noetzli J., O’Neel S., Osborn T.J., Overland J., Oyunjargal L., Parinussa R.M., Park E.-H., Parker D., Parrington M., Parsons A.R., Pasch R.J., Pascual-Ramírez R., Paterson A.M., Paulik C., Pearce P.R., Pelto M.S., Peng L., Perkins-Kirkpatrick S.E., Perovich D., Petropavlovskikh I., Pezza A.B., Phillips D., Pinty B., Pitts M.C., Pons M.R., Porter A.O., Primicerio R., Proshutinsky A., Quegan S., Quintana J., Rahimzadeh F., Rajeevan M., Randriamarolaza L., Razuvaev V.N., Reagan J., Reid P., Reimer C., Rémy S., Renwick J.A., Revadekar J.V., Richter-Menge J., Riffler M., Rimmer A., Rintoul S., Robinson D.A., Rodell M., Rodríguez Solís J.L., Romanovsky V.E., Ronchail J., Rosenlof K.H., Roth C., Rusak J.A., Sabine C.L., Sallée J.-B., Sánchez-Lugo A., Santee M.L., Sawaengphokhai P., Sayouri A., Scambos T.A., Schemm J., Schladow S.G., Schmid C., Schmid M., Schmidtko S., Schreck C.J., Selkirk H.B., Send U., Sensoy S., Setzer A., Sharp M., Shaw A., Shi L., Shiklomanov A.I., Shiklomanov N.I., Siegel D.A., Signorini S.R., Sima F., Simmons A.J., Smeets C.J.P.P., Smith S.L., Spence J.M., Srivastava A.K., Stackhouse P.W., Stammerjohn S., Steinbrecht W., Stella J.L., Stengel M., Stennett-Brown R., Stephenson T.S., Strahan S., Streletskiy D.A., Sun-Mack S., Swart S., Sweet W., Talley L.D., Tamar G., Tank S.E., Taylor M.A., Tedesco M., Teubner K., Thoman R.L., Thompson P., Thomson L., Timmermans M.-L., Tirnanes J.A., Tobin S., Trachte K., Trainer V.L., Tretiakov M., Trewin B.C., Trotman A.R., Tschudi M., Van As D., Van De Wal R.S.W., van der A. R.J., Van Der Schalie R., Van Der Schrier G., Van Der Werf G.R., Van Meerbeeck C.J., Velicogna I., Verburg P., Vigneswaran B., Vincent L.A., Volkov D., Vose R.S., Wagner W., Wåhlin A., Wahr J., Walsh J., Wang C., Wang J., Wang L., Wang M., Wang S.-H., Wanninkhof R., Watanabe S., Weber M., Weller R.A., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Whitewood R., Wijffels S.E., Wilber A.C., Wild J.D., Willett K.M., Williams M.J.M., Willie S., Wolken G., Wong T., Wood E.F., Woolway R.I., Wouters B., Xue Y., Yamada R., Yim S.-Y., Yin X., Young S.H., Yu L., Zahid H., Zambrano E., Zhang P., Zhao G., Zhou L., Ziemke J.R., Love-Brotak S.E., Gilbert K., Maycock T., Osborne S., Sprain M., Veasey S.W., Ambrose B.J., Griffin J., Misch D.J., Riddle D.B., Young T. (February 2017) State of the climate in 2016, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/2017BAMSStateoftheClimate.2
- Rémy S., Veira A., Paugam R., Sofiev M., Kaiser J.W., Marenco F., Burton S.P., Benedetti A., Engelen R.J., Ferrare R., Hair J.W. (February 2017) Two global data sets of daily fire emission injection heights since 2003, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-17-2921-2017
- Schroedter-Homscheidt M., Benedetti A., Killius N. (February 2017) Verification of ECMWF and ECMWF/MACC's global and direct irradiance forecasts with respect to solar electricity production forecasts, Meteorologische Zeitschrift. DOI: 10.1127/metz/2016/0676
- Alessio Bozzo, S. Remy, Angela Benedetti, Johannes Flemming, Peter Bechtold, Mark John Rodwell, J.-J. Morcrette (February 2017) Implementation of a CAMS-based aerosol climatology in the IFS, ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 801. DOI: 10.21957/84ya94mls
- 2016
- Marenco F., Johnson B., Langridge J., Mulcahy J., Benedetti A., Remy S., Jones L., Szpek K., Haywood J. (February 2016) Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Amazon Basin, Characterised by Lidar, Optical Particle Counters, and Modelling, EPJ Web of Conferences. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201611923006
- Wilkins K.L., Benedetti A., Kristiansen N.I., Lange A.C. (February 2016) Applications of Satellite Observations of Volcanic Ash in Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling, Volcanic Ash: Hazard Observation. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100405-0.00019-7
- Chouza F., Reitebuch O., Benedetti A., Weinzierl B. (February 2016) Saharan dust long-range transport across the Atlantic studied by an airborne Doppler wind lidar and the MACC model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-11581-2016
- Huneeus N., Basart S., Fiedler S., Morcrette J.-J., Benedetti A., Mulcahy J., Terradellas E., Pérez García-Pando C., Pejanovic G., Nickovic S., Arsenovic P., Schulz M., Cuevas E., Baldasano J.M., Pey J., Remy S., Cvetkovic B. (February 2016) Forecasting the northern African dust outbreak towards Europe in April 2011: A model intercomparison, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-4967-2016
- Aaron-Morrison A.P., Ackerman S.A., Adams N.G., Adler R.F., Albanil A., Alfaro E.J., Allan R., Alves L.M., Amador J.A., Andreassen L.M., Arendt A., Arévalo J., Arndt D.S., Arzhanova N.M., Aschan M.M., Azorin-Molina C., Banzon V., Bardin M.U., Barichivich J., Baringer M.O., Barreira S., Baxter S., Bazo J., Becker A., Bedka K.M., Behrenfeld M.J., Bell G.D., Belmont M., Benedetti A., Bernhard G., Berrisford P., Berry D.I., Bettolli M.L., Bhatt U.S., Bidegain M., Bill B.D., Billheimer S., Bissolli P., Blake E.S., Blunden J., Bosilovich M.G., Boucher O., Boudet D., Box J.E., Boyer T., Braathen G.O., Bromwich D.H., Brown R., Bulygina O.N., Burgess D., Calderón B., Camargo S.J., Campbell J.D., Cappelen J., Carrasco G., Carter B.R., Chambers D.P., Chandler E., Christiansen H.H., Christy J.R., Chung D., Chung E.-S., Cinque K., Clem K.R., Coelho C.A., Cogley J.G., Coldewey-Egbers M., Colwell S., Cooper O.R., Copland L., Cosca C.E., Cross J.N., Crotwell M.J., Crouch J., Davis S.M., De Eyto E., De Jeu R.A.M., De Laat J., Degasperi C.L., Degenstein D., Demircan M., Derksen C., Destin D., Di Girolamo L., Di Giuseppe F., Diamond H.J., Dlugokencky E.J., Dohan K., Dokulil M.T., Dolgov A.V., Dolman A.J., Domingues C.M., Donat M.G., Dong S., Dorigo W.A., Dortch Q., Doucette G., Drozdov D.S., Ducklow H., Dunn R.J.H., Durán-Quesada A.M., Dutton G.S., Ebrahim A., Elkharrim M., Elkins J.W., Espinoza J.C., Etienne-Leblanc S., Evans T.E., Famiglietti J.S., Farrell S., Fateh S., Fausto R.S., Fedaeff N., Feely R.A., Feng Z., Fenimore C., Fettweis X., Fioletov V.E., Flemming J., Fogarty C.T., Fogt R.L., Folland C., Fonseca C., Fossheim M., Foster M.J., Fountain A., Francis S.D., Franz B.A., Frey R.A., Frith S.M., Froidevaux L., Ganter C., Garzoli S., Gerland S., Gobron N., Goldenberg S.B., Gomez R.S., Goni G., Goto A., Grooß J.-U., Gruber A., Guard C.C., Gugliemin M., Gupta S.K., Gutiérrez J.M., Hagos S., Hahn S., Haimberger L., Hakkarainen J., Hall B.D., Halpert M.S., Hamlington B.D., Hanna E., Hansen K., Hanssen-Bauer I., Harris I., Heidinger A.K., Heikkilä A., Heil A., Heim R.R., Hendricks S., Hernández M., Hidalgo H.G., Hilburn K., Ho S.-P.B., Holmes R.M., Hu Z.-Z., Huang B., Huelsing H.K., Huffman G.J., Hughes C., Hurst D.F., Ialongo I., Ijampy J.A., Ingvaldsen R.B., Inness A., Isaksen K., Ishii M., Jevrejeva S., Jiménez C., Jin X., Johannesen E., John V., Johnsen B., Johnson B., Johnson G.C., Jones P.D., Joseph A.C., Jumaux G., Kabidi K., Kaiser J.W., Kato S., Kazemi A., Keller L.M., Kendon M., Kennedy J., Kerr K., Kholodov A.L., Khoshkam M., Killick R., Kim H., Kim S.-J., Kimberlain T.B., Klotzbach P.J., Knaff J.A., Kobayashi S., Kohler J., Korhonen J., Korshunova N.N., Kovacs K.M., Kramarova N., Kratz D.P., Kruger A., Kruk M.C., Kudela R., Kumar A., Lakatos M., Lakkala K., Lander M.A., Landsea C.W., Lankhorst M., Lantz K., Lazzara M.A., Lemons P., Leuliette E., L’Heureux M., Lieser J.L., Lin I.-I., Liu H., Liu Y., Locarnini R., Loeb N.G., Lo Monaco C., Long C.S., López Álvarez L.A., Lorrey A.M., Loyola D., Lumpkin R., Luo J.-J., Luojus K., Lydersen C., Lyman J.M., Maberly S.C., Maddux B.C., Malheiros Ramos A., Malkova G.V., Manney G., Marcellin V., Marchenko S.S., Marengo J.A., Marra J.J., Marszelewski W., Martens B., Martínez-Güingla R., Massom R.A., Mata M.M., Mathis J.T., May L., Mayer M., Mazloff M., McBride C., McCabe M.F., McCarthy M., McClelland J.W., McGree S., McVicar T.R., Mears C.A., Meier W., Meinen C.S., Mekonnen A., Menéndez M., Mengistu Tsidu G., Menzel W.P., Merchant C.J., Meredith M.P., Merrifield M.A., Metzl N., Minnis P., Miralles D.G., Mistelbauer T., Mitchum G.T., Monselesan D., Monteiro P., Montzka S.A., Morice C., Mote T., Mudryk L., Mühle J., Mullan A.B., Nash E.R., Naveira-Garabato A.C., Nerem R.S., Newman P.A., Nieto J.J., Noetzli J., O’Neel S., Osborn T.J., Overland J., Oyunjargal L., Parinussa R.M., Park E.-H., Parker D., Parrington M., Parsons A.R., Pasch R.J., Pascual-Ramírez R., Paterson A.M., Paulik C., Pearce P.R., Pelto M.S., Peng L., Perkins-Kirkpatrick S.E., Perovich D., Petropavlovskikh I., Pezza A.B., Phillips D., Pinty B., Pitts M.C., Pons M.R., Porter A.O., Primicerio R., Proshutinsky A., Quegan S., Quintana J., Rahimzadeh F., Rajeevan M., Randriamarolaza L., Razuvaev V.N., Reagan J., Reid P., Reimer C., Rémy S., Renwick J.A., Revadekar J.V., Richter-Menge J., Riffler M., Rimmer A., Rintoul S., Robinson D.A., Rodell M., Rodríguez Solís J.L., Romanovsky V.E., Ronchail J., Rosenlof K.H., Roth C., Rusak J.A., Sabine C.L., Sallée J.-B., Sánchez-Lugo A., Santee M.L., Sawaengphokhai P., Sayouri A., Scambos T.A., Schemm J., Schladow S.G., Schmid C., Schmid M., Schmidtko S., Schreck C.J., Selkirk H.B., Send U., Sensoy S., Setzer A., Sharp M., Shaw A., Shi L., Shiklomanov A.I., Shiklomanov N.I., Siegel D.A., Signorini S.R., Sima F., Simmons A.J., Smeets C.J.P.P., Smith S.L., Spence J.M., Srivastava A.K., Stackhouse P.W., Stammerjohn S., Steinbrecht W., Stella J.L., Stengel M., Stennett-Brown R., Stephenson T.S., Strahan S., Streletskiy D.A., Sun-Mack S., Swart S., Sweet W., Talley L.D., Tamar G., Tank S.E., Taylor M.A., Tedesco M., Teubner K., Thoman R.L., Thompson P., Thomson L., Timmermans M.-L., Tirnanes J.A., Tobin S., Trachte K., Trainer V.L., Tretiakov M., Trewin B.C., Trotman A.R., Tschudi M., Van As D., Van De Wal R.S.W., van der A. R.J., Van Der Schalie R., Van Der Schrier G., Van Der Werf G.R., Van Meerbeeck C.J., Velicogna I., Verburg P., Vigneswaran B., Vincent L.A., Volkov D., Vose R.S., Wagner W., Wåhlin A., Wahr J., Walsh J., Wang C., Wang J., Wang L., Wang M., Wang S.-H., Wanninkhof R., Watanabe S., Weber M., Weller R.A., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Whitewood R., Wijffels S.E., Wilber A.C., Wild J.D., Willett K.M., Williams M.J.M., Willie S., Wolken G., Wong T., Wood E.F., Woolway R.I., Wouters B., Xue Y., Yamada R., Yim S.-Y., Yin X., Young S.H., Yu L., Zahid H., Zambrano E., Zhang P., Zhao G., Zhou L., Ziemke J.R., Love-Brotak S.E., Gilbert K., Maycock T., Osborne S., Sprain M., Veasey S.W., Ambrose B.J., Griffin J., Misch D.J., Riddle D.B., Young T. (February 2016) State of the climate in 2015, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/2016BAMSStateoftheClimate.1
- Zhang J., Reid J.S., Christensen M., Benedetti A. (February 2016) An evaluation of the impact of aerosol particles on weather forecasts from a biomass burning aerosol event over the Midwestern United States: Observational-based analysis of surface temperature, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-6475-2016
- Marenco F., Johnson B., Langridge J.M., Mulcahy J., Benedetti A., Remy S., Jones L., Szpek K., Haywood J., Longo K., Artaxo P. (February 2016) On the vertical distribution of smoke in the Amazonian atmosphere during the dry season, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-2155-2016
- Zhang J., Reid J.S., Christensen M., Benedetti A. (February 2016) An evaluation of the impact of aerosol particles on weather forecasts from a biomass burning aerosol event over the Midwestern US: Observational-based analysis of surface temperature, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. DOI: 10.5194/acp-2015-1003
- 2015
- Inness A., Benedetti A., Flemming J., Huijnen V., Kaiser J.W., Parrington M., Remy S. (February 2015) The ENSO signal in atmospheric composition fields: Emission-driven versus dynamically induced changes, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-9083-2015
- Sessions W.R., Reid J.S., Benedetti A., Colarco P.R., Da Silva A., Lu S., Sekiyama T., Tanaka T.Y., Baldasano J.M., Basart S., Brooks M.E., Eck T.F., Iredell M., Hansen J.A., Jorba O.C., Juang H.-M.H., Lynch P., Morcrette J.-J., Moorthi S., Mulcahy J., Pradhan Y., Razinger M., Sampson C.B., Wang J., Westphal D.L. (February 2015) Development towards a global operational aerosol consensus: Basic climatological characteristics of the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction Multi-Model Ensemble (ICAP-MME), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-335-2015
- Cuevas E., Camino C., Benedetti A., Basart S., Terradellas E., Baldasano J.M., Morcrette J.J., Marticorena B., Goloub P., Mortier A., Berjón A., Hernández Y., Gil-Ojeda M., Schulz M. (February 2015) The MACC-II 2007-2008 reanalysis: atmospheric dust evaluation and characterization over northern Africa and the Middle East, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-3991-2015
- Sessions W.R., Reid J.S., Benedetti A., Colarco P.R., Da Silva A., Lu S., Sekiyama T., Tanaka T.Y., Baldasano J.M., Basart S., Brooks M.E., Eck T.F., Iredell M., Hansen J.A., Jorba O.C., Juang H.-M.H., Lynch P., Morcrette J.-J., Moorthi S., Mulcahy J., Pradhan Y., Razinger M., Sampson C.B., Wang J., Westphal D.L. (February 2015) Erratum: Development towards a global operational aerosol consensus: Basic climatological characteristics of the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction Multi-Model Ensemble (ICAP-MME) (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2015) 15 (335-362)), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-2533-2015
- Rémy S., Benedetti A., Bozzo A., Haiden T., Jones L., Razinger M., Flemming J., Engelen R.J., Peuch V.H., Thepaut J.N. (February 2015) Feedbacks of dust and boundary layer meteorology during a dust storm in the eastern Mediterranean, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-12909-2015
- Roberts G., Wooster M.J., Xu W., Freeborn P.H., Morcrette J.-J., Jones L., Benedetti A., Jiangping H., Fisher D., Kaiser J.W. (February 2015) LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products-Part 2: Evaluation and demonstration for use in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-13241-2015
- Marenco F., Johnson B., Langridge J.M., Mulcahy J., Benedetti A., Remy S., Jones L., Szpek K., Haywood J., Longo K., Artaxo P. (February 2015) On the vertical distribution of smoke in the Amazonian atmosphere during the dry season, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. DOI: 10.5194/acpd-15-31739-2015
- Khor W.Y., Lolli S., Hee W.S., Lim H.S., Jafri M.Z.M., Benedetti A., Jones L. (February 2015) Lidar measurements during a haze episode in Penang, Malaysia and validation of the ECMWF MACC-II model, AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI: 10.1063/1.4915233
- Antje Inness, Angela Benedetti, Johannes Flemming, M. Parrington, J. Kaiser, S. Remy (March 2015) The ENSO signal in atmospheric composition fields: Emission driven versus dynamically induced changes, ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 747. DOI: 10.21957/h094psfjj
- 2014
- Benedetti A., Baldasano J.M., Basart S., Benincasa F., Boucher O., Brooks M.E., Chen J.-P., Colarco P.R., Gong S., Huneeus N., Jones L., Lu S., Menut L., Morcrette J.-J., Mulcahy J., Nickovic S., Pérez García-Pando C., Reid J.S., Sekiyama T.T., Tanaka T.Y., Terradellas E., Westphal D.L., Zhang X.-Y., Zhou C.-H. (February 2014) Operational dust prediction, Mineral Dust: A Key Player in the Earth System. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8978-3_10
- Lolli S., Welton E.J., Benedetti A., Jones L., Suttie M., Wang S.-H. (February 2014) MPLNET lidar data assimilation in the ECMWF MACC-II Aerosol system: Evaluation of model performances at NCU lidar station, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. DOI: 10.1117/12.2068201
- Tsigaridis K., Daskalakis N., Kanakidou M., Adams P.J., Artaxo P., Bahadur R., Balkanski Y., Bauer S.E., Bellouin N., Benedetti A., Bergman T., Berntsen T.K., Beukes J.P., Bian H., Carslaw K.S., Chin M., Curci G., Diehl T., Easter R.C., Ghan S.J., Gong S.L., Hodzic A., Hoyle C.R., Iversen T., Jathar S., Jimenez J.L., Kaiser J.W., Kirkeväg A., Koch D., Kokkola H., H Lee Y., Lin G., Liu X., Luo G., Ma X., Mann G.W., Mihalopoulos N., Morcrette J.-J., Müller J.-F., Myhre G., Myriokefalitakis S., Ng N.L., O'donnell D., Penner J.E., Pozzoli L., Pringle K.J., Russell L.M., Schulz M., Sciare J., Seland Ø., Shindell D.T., Sillman S., Skeie R.B., Spracklen D., Stavrakou T., Steenrod S.D., Takemura T., Tiitta P., Tilmes S., Tost H., Van Noije T., Van Zyl P.G., Von Salzen K., Yu F., Wang Z., Wang Z., Zaveri R.A., Zhang H., Zhang K., Zhang Q., Zhang X. (February 2014) The AeroCom evaluation and intercomparison of organic aerosol in global models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-14-10845-2014
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R.J., Coldewey-Egbers M., Fioletov V.E., Frith S.M., Loyola D., Wild J.D., Davis S.M., Rosenlof K.H., Cooper O.R., Ziemke J., Flemming J., Inness A., Quegan S., Ciais P., Santoro M., Pinty B., Gobron N., van der Werf G.R., Newlin M.L., Gregg M.C., Xue Y., Hu Z.-Z., Kumar A., Banzon V., Smith T.M., Rayner N.A., Johnson G.C., Lyman J.M., Willis J.K., Boyer T., Antonov J., Good S.A., Domingues C.M., Bindoff N., Yu L., Jin X., Lagerloef G.S.E., Kao H.-Y., Reagan J., Schmid C., Locarnini R., Lumpkin R., Goni G., Dohan K., Baringer M.O., McCarthy G., Lankhorst M., Smeed D.A., Send U., Rayner D., Johns W.E., Meinen C.S., Cunningham S.A., Kanzow T.O., Frajka-Williams E., Marotzke J., Garzoli S., Dong S., Volkov D., Hobbs W.R., Merrifield M.A., Thompson P., Leuliette E., Nerem R.S., Hamlington B., Mitchum G.T., McInnes K., Marra J.J., Menéndez M., Sweet W., Feely R.A., Wanninkhof R., Sabine C.L., Mathis J.T., Takahashi T., Khatiwala S., Franz B.A., Behrenfeld M.J., Siegel D.A., Werdell P.J., Diamond H.J., Bell G.D., L’Heureux M., Halpert M.S., Baxter S., Gottschalck J., Landsea C.W., Goldenberg S.B., Pasch R.J., Blake E.S., Schemm J., Kimberlain T.B., Schreck C.J., Evans T.E., Camargo S.J., Gleason K.L., Trewin B.C., Lorrey A.M., Fauchereau N.C., Chappell P.R., Ready S., Goni G.J., Knaff J.A., Lin I.-I., Wang B., Mullan A.B., Pezza A.B., Coelho C.A.S., Wang C., Fogarty C.T., Klotzbach P., Luo J.-J., Lander M.A., Guard C.P.C., Jeffries M.O., Richter-Menge J., Overland J., Key J., Hanna E., Hanssen-Bauer I., Kim B.-M., Kim S.-J., Walsh J., Wang M., Bhatt U.S., Liu Y., Stone R., Cox C., Walden V., Francis J., Vavrus S., Tang Q., Bernhard G., Manney G., Grooß J.-U., Müller R., Heikkilä A., Johnsen B., Koskela T., Lakkala K., Svendby T., Dahlback A., Bruhwiler L., Laurila T., Worthy D., Quinn P.K., Stohl A., Baklanov A., Flanner M.G., Herber A., Kupiainen K., Law K.S., Schmale J., Sharma S., Vestreng V., Von Salzen K., Perovich D., Gerland S., Hendricks S., Meier W., Nicolaus M., Tschudi M., Timmermans M.-L., Ashik I., Frolov I., Ha H.K., Ingvaldsen R., Kikuchi T., Kim T.W., Krishfield R., Loeng H., Nishino S., Pickart R., Polyakov I., Rabe B., Schauer U., Schlosser P., Smethie W.M., Sokolov V., Steele M., Toole J., Williams W., Woodgate R., Zimmerman S., Cross J.N., Evans W., Anderson L., Yamamoto-Kawai M., Derksen C., Brown R., Luojus K., Sharp M., Wolken G., Geai M.-L., Burgess D., Arendt A., Wouters B., Kohler J., Andreassen L.M., Tedesco M., Box J.E., Cappelen J., Fettweis X., Jensen T.S., Mote T., Rennermalm A.K., Smith L.C., van de Wal R.S.W., Wahr J., Duguay C.R., Brown L.C., Kang K.-K., Kheyrollah Pour H., Streletskiy D.A., Drozdov D.S., Malkova G.V., Oberman N.G., Kholodov A.L., Marchenko S.S., Fogt R.L., Scambos T.A., Clem K.R., Barreira S., Colwell S., Keller L.M., Lazzara M.A., Setzer A., Bromwich D.H., Wang S.-H., Wang L., Liu H., Wang S., Shu S., Massom R.A., Reid P., Stammerjohn S., Lieser J., Newman P.A., Kramarova N., Nash E.R., Pitts M.C., Johnson B., Santee M.L., Braathen G.O., Campbell G.G., Pope A., Haran T., Sánchez-Lugo A., Renwick J.A., Thiaw W.M., Weaver S.J., Vincent L.A., Phillips D., Whitewood R., Crouch J., Heim R.R., Fenimore C., Augustine J., Pascual R., Albanil A., Vazquez J.L., Lobato R., Amador J.A., Alfaro E.J., Hidalgo H.G., Durán-Quesada A.M., Calderón B., Rivera I.L., Vega C., Stephenson T.S., Taylor M.A., Trotman A.R., Porter A.O., Gonzalez I.T., Spence J.M., McLean N., Campbell J.D., Brown G., Butler M., Blenman R.C., Aaron-Morrison A.P., Marcellin-Honore’ V., Martínez R., Arévalo J., Carrasco G., Euscátegui C., Bazo J., Nieto J.J., Zambrano E., Marengo J.A., Alves L.M., Espinoza J.C., Ronchail J., Bidegain M., Stella J.L., Penalba O.C., Kabidi K., Sayouri A., Ebrahim A., James I.A., Dekaa F.S., Sima F., Coulibaly K.A., Gitau W., Chang’a L., Oludhe C.S., Ogallo L.A., Atheru Z., Ambenje P., Kijazi A., Ng’ongolo H., Luhunga P., Levira P., Kruger A., McBride C., Rakotomavo Z., Jumaux G., Trachte K., Bissolli P., Obregón A., Nitsche H., Parker D., Kennedy J.J., Kendon M., Trigo R., Barriopedro D., Ramos A., Sensoy S., Hovhannisyan D., Bulygina O.N., Khoshkam M., Korshunova N.N., Oyunjargal L., Park E.-H., Rahimzadeh F., Rajeevan M., Razuvaev V.N., Revadekar J.V., Srivastava A.K., Yamada R., Zhang P., Tanaka S., Yoshimatsu K., Ohno H., Ganter C., Macara G.R., McGree S., Tobin S. 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- 2013
- Lefèvre M., Oumbe A., Blanc P., Espinar B., Gschwind B., Qu Z., Wald L., Schroedter-Homscheidt M., Hoyer-Klick C., Arola A., Benedetti A., Kaiser J.W., Morcrette J.-J. (February 2013) McClear: A new model estimating downwelling solar radiation at ground level in clear-sky conditions, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. DOI: 10.5194/amt-6-2403-2013
- Achberger C., Ackerman S.A., Albanil A., Alexander P., Alfaro E.J., Allan R., Alves L.M., Amador J.A., Ambenje P., Andrianjafinirina S., Antonov J., Aravequia J.A., Arendt A., Arévalo J., Arndt D.S., Ashik I., Atheru Z., Banzon V., Baringer M.O., Barreira S., Barriopedro D.E., Beard G., Becker A., Behrenfeld M.J., Bell G.D., Benedetti A., Bernhard G., Berrisford P., Berry D.I., Bhatt U., Bidegain M., Bindoff N., Bissolli P., Blake E.S., Blunden J., Booneeady R., Bosilovich M., Box J.E., Boyer T., Braathen G.O., Bromwich D.H., Brown R., Brown L., Bruhwiler L., Bulygina O.N., Burgess D., Burrows J., Calderón B., Camargo S.J., Campbell J., Cao Y., Cappelen J., Carrasco G., Chambers D.P., Chang'A L., Chappell P., Chehade W., Cheliah M., Christiansen H.H., Christy J.R., Ciais P., Coelho C.A.S., Cogley J.G., Colwell S., Cross J.N., Crouch J., Cunningham S.A., Dacic M., De Jeu R.A.M., Dekaa F.S., Demircan M., Derksen C., Diamond H.J., Dlugokencky E.J., Dohan K., Dolman A.J., Domingues C.M., Dong S., Dorigo W.A., Drozdov D.S., Duguay C.R., Dunn R.J.H., Dúran-Quesada A.M., Dutton G.S., Ehmann C., Elkins J.W., Euscátegui C., Famiglietti J.S., Fang F., Fauchereau N., Feely R.A., Fekete B.M., Fenimore C., Fioletov V.E., Fogarty C.T., Fogt R.L., Folland C.K., Foster M.J., Frajka-Williams E., Franz B.A., Frith S.H., Frolov I., Ganter C., Garzoli S., Geai M.-L., Gerland S., Gitau W., Gleason K.L., Gobron N., Goldenberg S.B., Goni G., Good S.A., Gottschalck J., Gregg M.C., Griffiths G., Grooß J.-U., Guard C.C., Gupta S.K., Hall B.D., Halpert M.S., Harada Y., Hauri C., Heidinger A.K., Heikkilä A., Heim Jr. R.R., Heimbach P., Hidalgo H.G., Hilburn K., Ho S.-P., Hobbs W.R., Holgate S., Hovsepyan A., Hu Z.-Z., Hughes P., Hurst D.F., Ingvaldsen R., Inness A., Jaimes E., Jakobsson M., James A.I., Jeffries M.O., Johns W.E., Johnsen B., Johnson G.C., Johnson B., Jones L.T., Jumaux G., Kabidi K., Kaiser J.W., Kamga A., Kang K.-K., Kanzow T.O., Kao H.-Y., Keller L.M., Kennedy J.J., Key J., Khatiwala S., Kheyrollah Pour H., Kholodov A.L., Khoshkam M., Kijazi A., Kikuchi T., Kim B.-M., Kim S.-J., Kimberlain T.B., Knaff J.A., Korshunova N.N., Koskela T., Kousky V.E., Kramarova N., Kratz D.P., Krishfield R., Kruger A., Kruk M.C., Kumar A., Lagerloef G.S.E., Lakkala K., Lander M.A., Landsea C.W., Lankhorst M., Laurila T., Lazzara M.A., Lee C., Leuliette E., Levitus S., L'Heureux M., Lieser J., Lin I.-I., Liu Y.Y., Liu Y., Liu H., Liu Y., Lobato-Sánchez R., Locarnini R., Loeb N.G., Loeng H., Long C.S., Lorrey A.M., Luhunga P., Lumpkin R., Luo J.-J., Lyman J.M., Macdonald A.M., Maddux B.C., Malekela C., Manney G., Marchenko S.S., Marengo J.A., Marotzke J., Marra J.J., Martínez-Güingla R., Massom R.A., Mathis J.T., McBride C., McCarthy G., McVicar T.R., Mears C., Meier W., Meinen C.S., Menéndez M., Merrifield M.A., Mitchard E., Mitchum G.T., Montzka S.A., Morcrette J.-J., Mote T., Mühle J., Mühr B., Mullan A.B., Müller R., Nash E.R., Nerem R.S., Newlin M.L., Newman P.A., Ng'Ongolo H., Nieto J.J., Nishino S., Nitsche H., Noetzli J., Oberman N.G., Obregón A., Ogallo L.A., Oludhe C.S., Omar M.I., Overland J., Oyunjargal L., Parinussa R.M., Park G.-H., Park E.-H., Parker D., Pasch R.J., Pascual-Ramírez R., Pelto M.S., Penalba O., Peng L., Perovich D.K., Pezza A.B., Phillips D., Pickart R., Pinty B., Pitts M.C., Purkey S.G., Quegan S., Quintana J., Rabe B., Rahimzadeh F., Raholijao N., Raiva I., Rajeevan M., Ramiandrisoa V., Ramos A., Ranivoarissoa S., Rayner N.A., Rayner D., Razuveav V.N., Reagan J., Reid P., Renwick J., Revedekar J., Richter-Menge J., Rivera I.L., Robinson D.A., Rodell M., Romanovsky V.E., Ronchail J., Rosenlof K.H., Sabine C.L., Salvador M.A., Sánchez-Lugo A., Santee M.L., Sasgen I., Sawaengphokhai P., Sayouri A., Scambos T.A., Schauer U., Schemm J., Schlosser P., Schmid C., Schreck C., Semiletov I., Send U., Sensoy S., Setzer A., Severinghaus J., Shakhova N., Sharp M., Shiklomanov N.I., Siegel D.A., Silva V.B.S., Silva F.D.S., Sima F., Simeonov P., Simmonds I., Simmons A., Skansi M., Smeed D.A., Smethie W.M., Smith A.B., Smith C., Smith S.L., Smith T.M., Sokolov V., Srivastava A.K., Stackhouse Jr. P.W., Stammerjohn S., Steele M., Steffen K., Steinbrecht W., Stephenson T., Su J., Svendby T., Sweet W., Takahashi T., Tanabe R.M., Taylor M.A., Tedesco M., Teng W.L., Thépaut J.-N., Thiaw W.M., Thoman R., Thompson P., Thorne P.W., Timmermans M.-L., Tobin S., Toole J., Trewin B.C., Trigo R.M., Trotman A., Tschudi M., Van De Wal R.S.W., Van Der Werf G.R., Vautard R., Vazquez J.L., Vieira G., Vincent L., Vose R.S., Wagner W.W., Wahr J., Walsh J., Wang J., Wang C., Wang M., Wang S.-H., Wang L., Wanninkhof R., Weaver S., Weber M., Werdell P.J., Whitewood R., Wijffels S., Wilber A.C., Wild J.D., Willett K.M., Williams W., Willis J.K., Wolken G., Wong T., Woodgate R., Worthy D., Wouters B., Wovrosh A.J., Xue Y., Yamada R., Yin Z., Yu L., Zhang L., Zhang P., Zhao L., Zhao J., Zhong W., Ziemke J., Zimmermann S. (February 2013) State of the climate in 2012, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/2013BAMSStateoftheClimate.1
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- Schroedter-Homscheidt M., Oumbe A., Benedetti A., Morcrette J.-J. (February 2013) Aerosols for concentrating solar electricity production forecasts: Requirement quantification and ECMWF/MACC aerosol forecast assessment, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00259.1
- 2012
- Huijnen V., Flemming J., Kaiser J.W., Inness A., Leitão J., Heil A., Eskes H.J., Schultz M.G., Benedetti A., Hadji-Lazaro J., Dufour G., Eremenko M. (February 2012) Hindcast experiments of tropospheric composition during the summer 2010 fires over western Russia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-12-4341-2012
- Kaiser J.W., Heil A., Andreae M.O., Benedetti A., Chubarova N., Jones L., Morcrette J.-J., Razinger M., Schultz M.G., Suttie M., Van Der Werf G.R. (February 2012) Biomass burning emissions estimated with a global fire assimilation system based on observed fire radiative power, Biogeosciences. DOI: 10.5194/bg-9-527-2012
- Antje Inness, F. Baier, Angela Benedetti, I. Bouarar, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, C. Clerbaux, P. Coheur, Richard Engelen, Q. Errera, Johannes Flemming, M. George, C. Granier, J. Hadji-Lazaro, V. Huijnen, D. Hurtmans, Luke Jones, J. Kaiser, J. Kapsomenakis, K. Lefever, J. Leitao, Miha Razinger, A. Richter, M.G. Schultz, Adrian Simmons, Martin Suttie, O. Stein, Jean-Noel THEPAUT, V. Thouret, M. Vrekoussis, C. Zerefos, the MACC team (October 2012) The MACC reanalysis: An 8-year data set of atmospheric composition, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 671, pp. 61. DOI: 10.21957/cx998s2hi
- 2011
- Mangold A., De Backer H., De Paepe B., Dewitte S., Chiapello I., Derimian Y., Kacenelenbogen M., Léon J.-F., Huneeus N., Schulz M., Ceburnis D., O'Dowd C., Flentje H., Kinne S., Benedetti A., Morcrette J.-J., Boucher O. (February 2011) Aerosol analysis and forecast in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Integrated Forecast System: 3. Evaluation by means of case studies, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1029/2010JD014864
- Achberger C., Ackerman S.A., Ahlstrøm A., Alfaro E.J., Allan R.J., Alves L., Amador J.A., Amelie V., Andrianjafinirina S., Antonov J., Arndt D.S., Ashik I., Atheru Z., Attaher S.M., Baez J., Banzon V., Baringer M.O., Barreira S., Barriopedro D., Barthia P.K., Beal L.M., Becker A., Behrenfeld M.J., Bell G.D., Belward A.S., Benedetti A., Berrisford P., Berry D.I., Beszczynska-Moeller A., Bhatt U.S., Bidegain M., Bindoff N.L., Bissolli P., Blake E.S., Blunden J., Booneeady P., Bosilovich M.G., Boudet D.R., Box J.E., Boyer T.P., Bromwich D.H., Brown R., Bryden H.L., Bulygina O.N., Burrows J., Butler J., Cais P., Calderon B., Callaghan T.V., Camargo S.J., Cappelen J., Carmack E., Chambers D.P., Chelliah M., Chidichimo M.P., Christiansen H., Christy J., Coelho C.A.S., Colwell S., Comiso J.C., Compo G.P., Crouch J., Cunningham S.A., Cutié V.C., Dai A., Davydova-Belitskaya V., De Jeu R., Decker D., Dee D., Demircan M., Derksen C., Diamond H.J., Dlugokencky E.J., Dohan K., Dolman A.J., Dorigo W., Drozdov D.S., Durack P.J., Dutton G.S., Easterling D., Ebita A., Eischeid J., Elkins J.W., Epstein H.E., Euscátegui C., Faijka-Williams E., Famiglietti J.S., Faniriantsoa R., Feely R.A., Fekete B.M., Fenimore C., Fettweis X., Fields E., Fioletov V.E., Fogarty C.T., Fogt R.L., Forbes B.C., Foster M.J., Frajka-Williams E., Free M., Frolov I., Ganesan A.L., Ganter C., Gibney E.J., Gill S., Gill M., Gitau W., Gleason K.L., Gobron N., Goldenberg S.B., Goni G.J., González I.G., Good S.A., Gottschalck J., Gould W.A., Gouveia C.M., Griffiths G.M., Guard C., Guevara V.V., Haas C., Hall B.D., Halpert M.S., Heidinger A.K., Heil A., Heim Jr. R.R., Hennon P.A., Henry G.H.R., Hidalgo H.G., Hilburn K., Hirschi J.J.-M., Ho S.-P., Hobgood J.S., Hoerling M., Holgate S., Hook S.J., Hugony S., Hurst D., Ishihara H., Itoh M., Jaimes E., Jeffries M., Jia G.J., Jin X., Johns W.E., Johnson B., Johnson G.C., Jones P.D., Jumaux G., Kabidi K., Kaiser J.W., Kanzow T.O., Kaplan A., Kearns E.J., Keller L.M., Kennedy J.J., Khatiwala S., Kholodov A., Khoshkam M., Kikuchi T., Kimberlain T.B., Knaff J.A., Kobayashi S., Kokelj S.V., Korshunova N.N., Kratz D.P., Krishfield R., Kruger A., Kruk M.C., Kumar A., Lammers R.B., Lander M.A., Landsea C.W., Lantuit H., Lantz T.C., Lapinel B.P., Lareef Z., Lazzara M.A., León A.L., León G., Leuliette E., Levitus S., Levy J.M., L'Heureux M., Lin I.-I., Liu H., Liu Y., Liu Y., Loeb N.G., Long C.S., Lorrey A.M., Lumpkin R., Luo J.-J., Lyman J.M., MacDonald A.M., Maddux B.C., Maier F., Malkova G., Marchenko S., Marengo J.A., Maritorena S., Marotzke J., Martínez Güingla R., Maslanik J., Masson R.A., McBride C., McGree S., McLaughlin F., McPeters R., McVicar T.R., Mears C.A., Medany M.A., Meier W., Meinen C.S., Merrifield M.A., Miller L., Mitchum G.T., Montzka S., Morcrette J.-J., Mote T., Mühle J., Mullan A.B., Murray D., Nash E.R., Nerem S.R., Newman P.A., Nishino S., Njau L., Noetzli J., Oberbauer S.F., Oberman N., Obregón A., Ogallo L., Oludhe C., O'Malley R.T., Overland J., Park G.-H., Parker D.E., Pasch R.J., Pegion P., Peltier A., Pelto M.S., Penalba O.C., Pérez R.S., Perlwitz J., Perovich D., Peterson T.C., Pezza A.B., Phillips D., Pinzon J.E., Pitts M.C., Proshutinsky A., Quegan S., Quintana J., Quintero A., Rabe B., Rahimzadeh F., Rajeevan M., Rayner D., Rayner N.A., Raynolds M.K., Razuvaev V.N., Reagan J.R., Reid P., Renwick J.A., Revadekar J., Reynolds R.W., Richter-Menge J., Rignot E., Robinson D.A., Rodell M., Rogers M., Romanovsky V., Romero-Cruz F., Ronchail J., Rosenlof K., Rossi S., Rutledge G., Saatchi S., Sabine C.L., Saha S., Sánchez-Lugo A., Santee M.L., Sato H., Sawaengphokhai P., Sayouri A., Scambos T.A., Schauer U., Schemm J., Schmid C., Schneider P., Schueller D., Sensoy S., Sharp M., Shaver G.R., Shiklomanov A.I., Shiklomanov N., Shimada K., Siegel D.A., Simmons A., Skansi M., Smith A., Smith C., Smith S., Smith T.M., Sokolov V., Spence J.M., Srivastava A.K., Stackhouse Jr. P.W., Stammerjohn S., Steele M., Steinbrecht W., Stephenson T.S., Stolarski R.S., Tahani L., Takahashi T., Taylor M.A., Thépaut J.-N., Thiaw W.M., Thorne P.W., Timmermans M.-L., Tobin S., Toole J., Trewin B.C., Trigo R.M., Tucker C.J., Tweedie C.E., Van As D., Van De Wal R.S.W., Van Der A R.J., Van Der Werf G.R., Vautard R., Vieira G., Vincent L.A., Vinther B., Vose R., Wagner W., Wahr J., Walker D.A., Walsh J., Wang C., Wang J., Wang L., Wang M., Wang S.-H., Wanninkhof R., Weaver S., Webber P.J., Weber M., Weller R.A., Weyman J., Whitewood R., Wijffels S.E., Wilber A.C., Willett K.M., Williams W., Willis J.K., Wolken G., Wong T., Woodgate R., Woodworth P., Wovrosh A.J., Xue Y., Yamamoto-Kawai M., Yin X., Yu L., Zhang L., Zhang P., Zhao L., Zhou X., Zimmermann S. (February 2011) State of the climate in 2010, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0477-92.6.S1
- Benedetti A., Reid J.S., Colarco P.R. (February 2011) International cooperative for aerosol prediction workshop on aerosol forecast verification, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00105.1
- Reid J.S., Benedetti A., Colarco P.R., Hansen J.A. (February 2011) International operational aerosol observability workshop, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/2010BAMS3183.1
- J.-J. Morcrette, Angela Benedetti, A Ghelli, J. Kaiser, A.P. Tompkins (December 2011) Aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions and their impact on ECMWF/MACC forecasts, ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 660, pp. 36. DOI: 10.21957/wjuxaujrn
- J.-J. Morcrette, Angela Benedetti, Luke Jones, J. Kaiser, Miha Razinger, Martin Suttie (December 2011) Prognostic aerosols in the ECMWF IFS : MACC vs GEMS aerosols, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 659, pp. 32. DOI: 10.21957/juba2ukx1
- Angela Benedetti, J. Kaiser, J.-J. Morcrette, Reime Eresmaa, S. Lu (December 2011) Simulations of volcanic plumes with the ECMWF/MACC aerosol system, ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 653, pp. 13. DOI: 10.21957/pt711tuna
- 2009
- Benedetti A., Morcrette J.-J., Boucher O., Dethof A., Engelen R.J., Fisher M., Flentje H., Huneeus N., Jones L., Kaiser J.W., Kinne S., Mangold A., Razinger M., Simmons A.J., Suttie M. (February 2009) Aerosol analysis and forecast in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts integrated forecast system: 2. data assimilation, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1029/2008JD011115
- Morcrette J.-J., Boucher O., Jones L., Salmond D., Bechtold P., Beljaars A., Benedetti A., Bonet A., Kaiser J.W., Razinger M., Schulz M., Serrar S., Simmons A.J., Sofiev M., Suttie M., Tompkins A.M., Untch A. (February 2009) Aerosol analysis and forecast in the european centre for medium-range weather forecasts integrated forecast system: Forward modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1029/2008JD011235
- 2008
- Benedetti A., Janisková M. (February 2008) Assimilation of MODIS cloud optical depths in the ECMWF model, Monthly Weather Review. DOI: 10.1175/2007MWR2240.1
- Angela Benedetti, J.-J. Morcrette, O. Boucher, A. Dethof, Richard Engelen, Mike Fisher, H. Flentjes, N. Huneeus, Luke Jones, J. Kaiser, S. Kinne, A. Mangold, Miha Razinger, Adrian Simmons, Martin Suttie, the GEMS-AER team (August 2008) Aerosol analysis and forecast in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System: Data assimilation., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 571, pp. 23. DOI: 10.21957/g3bogeske
- J.-J. Morcrette, O. Boucher, Luke Jones, Deborah Salmond, Peter Bechtold, Anton Beljaars, Angela Benedetti, Axel Bonet, J. Kaiser, Miha Razinger, M.G. Schulz, S. Serrar, Adrian Simmons, M. Sofiev, Martin Suttie, A.M. Tompkins, A. Untch, the GEMS-AER team (September 2008) Aerosol analysis and forecast in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System: Forward modelling., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 573, pp. 35. DOI: 10.21957/jxqm3uq6j
- Angela Benedetti, Morcrette J.-J., O. Boucher, Dethof A., Richard Engelen, Luke Jones, Kaiser J.W., Suttie M. (February 2008) GEMS aerosol analyses with the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 116, pp. 20-24. DOI: 10.21957/01lmk33ch1
- J.-J. Morcrette, Anton Beljaars, Angela Benedetti, Luke Jones, O. Boucher (October 2008) Gustiness as predictor for lifting sea-salt and dust aerosols in the ECMWF IFS, ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 577, pp. 13. DOI: 10.21957/t9hmqc4ho
- Wilkinson J.M., Robin Hogan, A.J. Illingworth, Angela Benedetti (February 2008) Use of a lidar forward model for global comparisons of cloud fraction between the ICESat lidar and the ECMWF model., ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 555, pp. 23. DOI: 10.21957/to8saqzak
- Wilkinson J.M., Hogan R.J., Illingworth A.J., Benedetti A. (February 2008) Use of a lidar forward model for global comparisons of cloud fraction between the ICESat lidar and the ECMWF model, Monthly Weather Review. DOI: 10.1175/2008MWR2309.1
- Hollingsworth A., Engelen R.J., Textor C., Benedetti A., Boucher O., Chevallier F., Dethof A., Elbern H., Eskes H., Flemming J., Granier C., Kaiser J.W., Morcrette J.-J., Rayner P., Peuch V.-H., Rouil L., Schultz M.G., Simmons A.J. (February 2008) Toward a monitoring and forecasting system for atmospheric composition: The GEMS project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/2008BAMS2355.1
- Morcrette J.-J., Beljaars A., Benedetti A., Jones L., Boucher O. (February 2008) Sea-salt and dust aerosols in the ECMWF IFS model, Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2008GL036041
- Morcrette J.-J., Luke Jones, Kaiser J., Angela Benedetti, O. Boucher (February 2008) Toward a forecast of aerosols with the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System, ECMWF Newsletter, issue 114, pp. 15-17. DOI: 10.21957/8fgkre8fz4
- 2007
- Benedetti A., Fisher M. (February 2007) Background error statistics for aerosols, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.37
- Angela Benedetti, Marta Janiskova (April 2007) Assimilation of MODIS cloud optical depths in the ECMWF model, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 515, pp. 21. DOI: 10.21957/48nahdxre
- J.-J. Morcrette, Peter Bechtold, Anton Beljaars, Angela Benedetti, Axel Bonet, F. Doblas-Reyes, J. Hague, M. Hamrud, J. Haseler, J. Kaiser, Martin Leutbecher, G. Mozdzynski, Miha Razinger, Deborah Salmond, S. Serrar, Martin Suttie, A.M. Tompkins, A. Untch, Antje Weisheimer (October 2007) Recent advances in radiation transfer parametrizations, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 539, pp. 50. DOI: 10.21957/ubx8vhd6q
- 2006
- Lopez P., Benedetti A., Bauer P., Janisková M., Köhler M. (February 2006) Experimental 2D-Var assimilation of ARM cloud and precipitation observations, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1256/qj.05.24
- Bauer P., Lopez P., Salmond D., Benedetti A., Saarinen S., Bonazzola M. (February 2006) Implementation of 1D+4D-Var assimilation of precipitation-affected microwave radiances at ECMWF. II: 4D-Var, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1256/qj.06.07
- Bauer P., Lopez P., Benedetti A., Salmond D., Moreau E. (February 2006) Implementation of 1D+4D-Var assimilation of precipitation-affected microwave radiances at ECMWF. I: 1D-Var, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1256/qj.05.189
- Angela Benedetti, Mike Fisher (June 2006) Background error statistics for aerosols, ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 489, pp. 21. DOI: 10.21957/vovnzah16
- Peter Bauer, Philippe Lopez, Angela Benedetti, Deborah Salmond, E. Moreau (February 2006) Implementation of 1D+4D-Var assimilation of precipitation affected microwave radiances at ECMWF, Part I: 1D-Var., ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 487, pp. 29. DOI: 10.21957/es9zz9zyx
- Peter Bauer, Philippe Lopez, Deborah Salmond, Angela Benedetti, S. Saarinen, M. Bonazzola (February 2006) Implementation of 1D+4D-Var assimilation of precipitation affected microwave radiances at ECMWF, Part II: 4D-Var., ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 488, pp. 27. DOI: 10.21957/ua6tumdkv
- 2005
- Palm S.P., Miller D., Benedetti A., Spinhirne J. (February 2005) Validation of ECMWF global forecast model parameters using the geoscience laser altimeter system (GLAS) atmospheric channel measurements, 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints.
- Palm S.P., Benedetti A., Spinhirne J. (February 2005) Validation of ECMWF global forecast model parameters using GLAS atmospheric channel measurements, Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2005GL023535
- Benedetti A., Lopez P., Moreau E., Bauer P., Venugopal V. (February 2005) Verification of TMI-adjusted rainfall analyses of tropical cyclones at ECMWF using TRMM precipitation radar, Journal of Applied Meteorology. DOI: 10.1175/JAM2300.1
- Benedetti A., Lopez P., Bauer P., Moreau E. (February 2005) Experimental use of TRMM precipitation radar observations in 1D+4D-Var assimilation, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1256/qj.04.89
- Philippe Lopez, Angela Benedetti, Peter Bauer, Marta Janiskova, M. Köhler (January 2005) Experimental 2D-Var assimilation of ARM cloud and precipitation observations., ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 456, pp. 21. DOI: 10.21957/v0krdbe1r
- 2004
- Angela Benedetti, Philippe Lopez, Peter Bauer, E. Moreau (August 2004) Experimental use of TRMM Precipitation Radar observations in 1D+4D-Var assimilation, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 448, pp. 21. DOI: 10.21957/oz298zce2
- A.M. Tompkins, Peter Bechtold, Anton Beljaars, Angela Benedetti, S. Cheinet, Marta Janiskova, M. Köhler, Philippe Lopez, J.-J. Morcrette (December 2004) Moist physical processes in the IFS: Progress and Plans, ECMWF Technical Memoranda n. 452, pp. 91. DOI: 10.21957/dhtvdwsk
- Angela Benedetti, Philippe Lopez (October 2004) Verification of TMI-adjusted rainfall analysis of tropical cyclones at ECMWF using TRMM Precipitation Radar observations., ECMWF Technical Memorandum n. 451, pp. 17. DOI: 10.21957/5y4to5th3
- 2003
- Benedetti A., Stephens G.L., Haynes J.M. (February 2003) Ice cloud microphysics retrievals from millimeter radar and visible optical depth using an estimation theory approach, Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres.
- Benedetti A., Stephens G.L., Vukićević T. (February 2003) Variational assimilation of radar reflectivities in a cirrus model. II: Optimal initialization and model bias estimation, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1256/qj.02.64
- Benedetti A., Stephens G.L., Vukićević T. (February 2003) Variational assimilation of radar reflectivities in a cirrus model. I: Model description and adjoint sensitivity studies, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1256/qj.02.63
- 2002
- Stephens G.L., Vane D.G., Boain R.J., Mace G.G., Sassen K., Wang Z., Illingworth A.J., O'Connor E.J., Rossow W.B., Durden S.L., Miller S.D., Austin R.T., Benedetti A., Mitrescu C. (February 2002) The cloudsat mission and the A-Train: A new dimension of space-based observations of clouds and precipitation, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
- 2001
- Benedetti A., Stephens G.L. (February 2001) Characterization of errors in cirrus simulations from a cloud resolving model for application in ice water content retrievals, Atmospheric Research. DOI: 10.1016/S0169-8095(01)00127-2
- Benedetti A., Gabriel P., Stephens G.L. (February 2001) Properties of reflected sunlight derived from a Green's function method, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4073(01)00055-3