Search ECMWF publications

Showing 121 - 144 of 8385 results
I Ihasz
2009, Conference Paper, Twelfth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, 2-6 November 2009
I. Ihasz
2001, Conference Paper, Eighth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, 12-16 November 2001
I. Ihasz
2006, Conference Paper, 10th Workshop on meteorological operational systems, 14 to 18 November 2005.
I. Ihasz
2008, Conference Paper, 11th Workshop on meteorological operational systems, 12 to 16 November 2007.
2006, Conference Paper, 10th Workshop on meteorological operational systems, 14 to 18 November 2005.
L. Illari
1987, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
L. Illari
1985, Conference Paper, Workshop on High Resolution Analysis, 24-26 June 1985
M. Imbard
A. Craplet
Ph. Degardin
Y. Durand
A. Joly
N. Marie
J.-F. Geleyn
1987, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Nature and Prediction of Extra Tropical Weather Systems. 7-11 September 1987
Antje Inness
F. Baier
I. Bouarar
S. Chabrillat
H. Clark
C. Clerbaux
P. Coheur
Q. Errera
Johannes Flemming
M. George
C. Granier
J. Hadji-Lazaro
V. Huijnen
D. Hurtmans
Luke Jones
J. Kaiser
J. Kapsomenakis
K. Lefever
J. Leitao
A. Richter
M.G. Schultz
Martin Suttie
O. Stein
V. Thouret
M. Vrekoussis
C. Zerefos
the team
2012, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
Antje Inness
Johannes Flemming
Martin Suttie
Luke Jones
2009, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
P. Inness
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF/CLIVAR Workshop on Simulation and Prediction of Intra-Seasonal Variability with Emphasis on the MJO, 3-6 November 2003
Various Authors
1977, Conference Paper, Workshop on the use of Empirical Orthogonal functions in Meteorology
P.J. Ioannou
B. Farrell
1997, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability, 20-22 October 1997
P.J. Ioannou
B. Farrell
2003, Conference Paper, Seminar on Predictability of weather and climate, 9-13 September 2002
R.G. Isaacs
1989, Conference Paper, ECMWF/EUMETSAT Workshop on The Use of Satellite Data in Operational Numerical Weather Prediction: 1989-1993, 9-12 May 1989, ECMWF/EUMETSAT Workshop
L. Isaksen
G.R. Hoffmann
T. Kauranne
1992, Book Chapter, Parallel Supercomputing in Atmospheric Science. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, ECMWF, Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, editors M. Ghil and R. Sadourny and J. Sündermann
L. Isaksen
2001, Conference Paper, Workshop on Re-analysis, 5-9 November 2001, ERA-40 Project Report Series
L. Isaksen
2003, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 8-12 September 2003
L. Isaksen
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 6-9 September 2011
L. Isaksen
S.R.M. Barros
G.R. Hoffmann
N. Kreitz
1994, Book Chapter, Coming of Age. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, ECMWF, Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology
L. Isaksen
M. Hamrud
G.R. Hoffmann
N. Kreitz
1996, Book Chapter, Making its Mark. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, ECMWF, Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology
L. Isaksen
Peter Janssen
2003, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda