Search ECMWF publications

Showing 3289 - 3312 of 8351 results
M. Kazumori
T. Komori
Hidenori Nishihata
K. Okamoto
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF-JCSDA Workshop on Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitation into NWP Models, 15-17 June 2010
M. Matsueda
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
C. Penland
P.D. Sardeshmukh
Roger Temam
Brian Ewald
James Hansen
2011, Presentation
C. Penland
P.D. Sardeshmukh
Roger Temam
Brian Ewald
James Hansen
2011, Presentation
A.J. Majda
Y. Frenkel
B. Khouider
X. Gershgorin
X. Giannakis
X. Harlim
M. Branicki
2011, Presentation