Search ECMWF publications

Showing 25 - 48 of 56 results
M.S. Tracton
1986, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, 17-19 March 1986
J.M. Wallace
1986, Conference Paper, Seminar/Workshop on Observation, Theory and Modelling of Orographic effects. Seminar: 15-19 September 1986, Workshop: 19-20 September 1986
P. Mason
1986, Conference Paper, Seminar/Workshop on Observation, Theory and Modelling of Orographic effects. Seminar: 15-19 September 1986, Workshop: 19-20 September 1986
F. Mesinger
W.G. Collins
1986, Conference Paper, Seminar/Workshop on Observation, Theory and Modelling of Orographic effects. Seminar: 15-19 September 1986, Workshop: 19-20 September 1986
F. Mesinger
Z.I. Janjic
1986, Conference Paper, Seminar/Workshop on Observation, Theory and Modelling of Orographic effects. Seminar: 15-19 September 1986, Workshop: 19-20 September 1986
M.J. Miller
T.N. Palmer
1986, Conference Paper, Seminar/Workshop on Observation, Theory and Modelling of Orographic effects. Seminar: 15-19 September 1986, Workshop: 19-20 September 1986
K. Miyakoda
J. Sirutis
T. Knutson
1986, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, 17-19 March 1986
Franco Molteni
U. Cubasch
S. Tibaldi
1986, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, 17-19 March 1986
A. Wiin-Nielsen
1986, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, 17-19 March 1986
H. von Storch
1986, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, 17-19 March 1986
K. Fraedrich
1978, Conference Paper, Workshop on The Parameterization of Cumulus Convection, 23-25 October 1978
Various Authors
1978, Conference Paper, Workshop on The Parameterization of Cumulus Convection, 23-25 October 1978
K Arpe
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
L. Bengtsson
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
W. Klein
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
W. Klein
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
W. Klein
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
D. Söderman
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
D. Söderman
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
D. Söderman
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978
M. Tiedtke
1978, Conference Paper, Workshop on The Parameterization of Cumulus Convection, 23-25 October 1978
P. White
1978, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large-scale Numerical Forecast products, 4-8 September 1978