Search ECMWF publications

Showing 25 - 48 of 209 results
R. Sibson
1987, Conference Paper, Workshop on Meteorological Operations Systems, 7-11 December 1987
D. Anderson
A. Hollingsworth
S. Uppala
P. Woiceshyn
1987, Report, ECMWF Contract Report to ESA, ESRIN Contract 6297/86/HGE-I(SC), ESA Contract Report
D.L.T. Anderson
1988, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data Assimilation and the Use of Satellite Data, 5-9 September 1988
J.C. Andre
1988, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Fluxes over Land Surface, 24-26 October 1988
V. Antikainen
H. Kellomaki
T. Kontio
1987, Conference Paper, ECMWF/WMO Workshop on Radiosonde Data Quality and Monitoring, 14-16 December 1987
K Arpe
1987, Conference Paper, Workshop on Diabatic Forcing, 30 November - 2 December 1987
J. Ashcroft
1987, Conference Paper, ECMWF/WMO Workshop on Radiosonde Data Quality and Monitoring, 14-16 December 1987
M.J. Atkins
1987, Conference Paper, ECMWF/WMO Workshop on Radiosonde Data Quality and Monitoring, 14-16 December 1987
J.R. Bates
1987, Conference Paper, Workshop on Techniques for Horizontal Discretization in Numerical Weather Prediction Models, 2-4 November 1987
L. Bengtsson
1988, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data Assimilation and the Use of Satellite Data, 5-9 September 1988
J. Beukers
1987, Conference Paper, ECMWF/WMO Workshop on Radiosonde Data Quality and Monitoring, 14-16 December 1987
D. Blaskovich
1987, Conference Paper, Workshop on Meteorological Operations Systems, 7-11 December 1987
C. Blondin
1988, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Fluxes over Land Surface, 24-26 October 1988
G.J. Boer
F.W. Zwiers
E. Chan
1988, Conference Paper, Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, 16-18 May 1988
S. Boniwell
1988, Conference Paper, Workshop on Graphics in Meteorology, 30 November - 2 December 1988
Z.I. Janjic
F. Mesinger
T.L. Black
1987, Conference Paper, Workshop on Techniques for Horizontal Discretization in Numerical Weather Prediction Models, 2-4 November 1987
Peter Janssen
P. Lionello
M. Reistad
A. Hollingsworth
1987, Report, ECMWF Contract Report to ESA, ESRIN Contract 6297/86/HGE-I(SC), ESA Contract Report
V. Karhila
1988, Conference Paper, Workshop on Graphics in Meteorology, 30 November - 2 December 1988
K.B. Katsaros
1988, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data Assimilation and the Use of Satellite Data, 5-9 September 1988
T. Kauranne
G.R. Hoffmann
D. Maretis
1988, Book Chapter, The Dawn of Massively Parallel Processing in Meteorology. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, ECMWF, Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, editors M. Ghil and R. Sadourny and J. Sündermann
T. Kauranne
G.R. Hoffmann
D. Maretis
1988, Book Chapter, The Dawn of Massively Parallel Processing in Meteorology. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, ECMWF, Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, editors M. Ghil and R. Sadourny and J. Sündermann