Search ECMWF publications

Showing 49 - 72 of 589 results
Anna Agusti-Panareda
Anton Beljaars
Carla Cardinali
I. Genkova
C. Thorncroft
2009, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
Anna Agusti-Panareda
Anton Beljaars
Maike Ahlgrimm
O. Bock
A Ghelli
F. Guichard
M. Köhler
R. Meynadier
J.-J. Morcrette
2009, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
D. Anderson
1996, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data Assimilation, 2-6 September 1996
D. Anderson
1996, Conference Paper, Workshop on non-linear aspects of data assimilation, 9-11 September 1996
2009, Conference Paper, Twelfth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, 2-6 November 2009
1996, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data Assimilation, 2-6 September 1996
1996, Conference Paper, Workshop on non-linear aspects of data assimilation, 9-11 September 1996
J. Haseler
P. Undén
P. Courtier
G.A. Kelly
Drasko Vasiljevic
C. Brankovic
Carla Cardinali
C. Gaffard
A. Hollingsworth
C. Jakob
Peter Janssen
E. Klinker
A. Lanzinger
M.J. Miller
B. Strauss
P. Viterbo
1996, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data Assimilation, 2-6 September 1996
J. Haseler
P. Undén
P. Courtier
G.A. Kelly
Drasko Vasiljevic
C. Brankovic
Carla Cardinali
C. Gaffard
A. Hollingsworth
C. Jakob
Peter Janssen
E. Klinker
A. Lanzinger
M.J. Miller
B. Strauss
P. Viterbo
1996, Conference Paper, Workshop on non-linear aspects of data assimilation, 9-11 September 1996
Various Authors
2009, Conference Proceedings, ECMWF Workshop on Diagnostics of data assimilation system performance, 15 - 17 June 2009
Various Authors
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Diagnostics of data assimilation system performance, 15 - 17 June 2009
P.A. Arkin
1990, Conference Paper, ECMWF/WCRP Workshop on Clouds, Radiative Transfer and the Hydrological Cycle, 12-15 November 1990
K Arpe
1990, Conference Paper, ECMWF/WCRP Workshop on Clouds, Radiative Transfer and the Hydrological Cycle, 12-15 November 1990
K Arpe
D.M. Burridge
1990, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
C. Bacour
P. Peylin
Peregon Rayner
F. Delage
M. Weiss
J. Demarty
F. Baret
F. Chevallier
P. Prunet
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF / GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling and Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability, 9-12 November 2009
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, 10-12 November 2008
Emanuel Dutra
Souhail Boussetta
Anton Beljaars
P. Viterbo
B.J.J. van den Hurk
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF / GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling and Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability, 9-12 November 2009