Ongoing research project |  -

TRIGGER (SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth thReats) aims at developing a novel interoperable, scalable, platform and its derivatives (apps) to empower health practitioners and selected groups of citizens to monitor personal exposure connected to climate change. By promoting a seamless approach to deal with multiple scales, a new health service is built in line with COPERNICUS initiatives.

Project objectives

  • Enhancement of evidence-based connections between climate change and health threats and human well-being

  • Systemic knowledge of costs, benefits and risks of climate change impacts and related mitigation and adaptation measures

  • Support of policymakers and health authorities with practical guidelines based on robust scientific methodology

  • Improvement of predictive and monitoring systems for health impacts from climate events and for policy actions.

  • Rise of awareness of health risks from climate change and promotion of effective practices for prevention and mitigation

ECMWF's contribution

ECMWF will create a citizen observations archive which will form part of a climate health connection hub (CH2 The project's living labs will create the climate and health data that will go into the CH2, which will then be used by other project partners to create applications, dashboards and other tools. ECMWF will also lead the work of creating a prototype for an early warning system for health hazards linked to climate and weather indicators.

For more information see:

website: TRIGGER

twitter: @trigger_project