Ongoing research project |  -

I-CHANGE (Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition) will promote the strong participation and creative role of citizens and civil society  towards environmental protection, as well as changes in habits and the development of more sustainable  standards. To that end, it will adopt a multi-disciplinary, participatory approach and create a set of living  labs to increase the public’s awareness of the scientific processes underlying climate change.

Project objectives

  • Raise of environmental awareness through citizen science and understanding of the science behind climate change and its effects

  • Empowerment of citizens and consumers with tools to monitor their impact and give targeted advices

  • Improvement of data availability, interoperability and usability at a broad scale

  • Enhancement of the level of civic engagement in climate issues for developing sustainable lifestyles consumption patterns

  • Examples for effectiveness behavioural changes and good social practices based on robust scientific methodology

ECMWF's contribution

ECMWF will create a citizen observations archive which will form part of an environmental impact hub (EIH). The project's living lab will create the data that will go into the EIH, which will then be used by other project partners to create applications, dashboards and other tools to engage the citizens with their own data in conjunction with environmental and climate data.

For more information see:

website: I-CHANGE

twitter: @ICHANGE_EU

The I-CHANGEproject has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037193.