One of ERA-CLIM2 deliverables is CERA-20C, the first coupled reanalysis of the 20th century (1900-2010). The CERA-20C production has been progressing well, with about 85% of the 110 years reanalyses produced (it is expected that production will be completed by the end of May 2016). "This figure shows the annual average number of conventional surface pressure data assimilated during the production from land, buoys, ships, coastal stations and bogus observations.
The ERA-CLIM2 27-month formal ‘Review Meeting’ and a ‘Progress Meeting’ were held at ECMWF on the 25th and the 26th of April at ECMWF.
The Review meeting was attended by a representative of the European Commission, two external reviewers and the ERA-CLIM2 Project Board (its co-ordinator and work-package leaders). During the meeting, the ERA-CLIM2 project board presented the work done within the different work-packages in the past 9 months (the period covered by this formal review), and gave the reviewers the opportunity to ask questions on how work has been progressing. A formal review report will be sent to the project board in the forthcoming weeks. The meeting agenda and the presentations given by the project board can be accessed following the links below.
The Progress meeting that followed the formal Review meeting was attended by the ERA-CLIM2 project board and few people from the work-packages (see list of participants), and by three people from the Copernicus Climate Service (C3S) and the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS). The meeting started with C3S and CAMS talks that presented the activities of the two Copernicus services, and was followed by a detailed discussion of the WP-Leaders presentations given to the Review meeting. In particular, forthcoming deliverables, and the organization of the 3rd General Assembly in Wien (Jan 2017) and of a workshop on coupled data assimilation (possibly in the fall of 2016) were discussed.
Overall, both meetings went very well. The ERA-CLIM2 project is on track to complete all deliverables by the dates agreed following the 12-month project extension (the project started on 1 January 2014 and will finish on 31 December 2017).
Review meeting presentations
Introduction R Buizza |
WP1: Global 20th century reanalysis P Laloyaux |
WP2: Future coupling methods M Martin |
WP3: Earth system observations S Broennimann |
WP4: Quantifying and reducing uncertainties L Haimberger |
WP5: Service developments M Fuentes |
WP6-WP9: Project management R Buizza |