Search ECMWF publications

Showing 553 - 576 of 8351 results
M. Drinkwater
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
A. O'Carrol
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
H. Roquet
G. Legendre
A. Marsouin
S. Saux-Picart
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
R. Tonboe
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Filip Vána
Maike Ahlgrimm
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECWMF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Anton Beljaars
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Software and computing services, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Software and computing services, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Iain Russell
2018, Education material, Software and computing services, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Iain Russell
2018, Education material, Software and computing services, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Axel Bonet
Avi Bahra
2018, Education material, Software and computing services, ECMWF eLearning online resources
2018, Education material, Numerical weather prediction and ECMWF products, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Xavier Abellan
2018, Education material, Software and computing services, ECMWF eLearning online resources
Daniel Varela
Michael Rennie
2018, Software
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications