Search ECMWF publications

Showing 3241 - 3264 of 8322 results
J-W Bao
C. Penland
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
L. Bengtsson
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
J. Berner
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
P. Berrisford
P.W. Kållberg
S. Kobayashi
D.P. Dee
S. Uppala
P. Poli
H. Sato
2011, Report, ERA Report Series, ERA Report
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
Z.I. Janjic
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Non-hydrostatic Modelling, 8-10 November 2010
P.W. Kållberg
2011, Report, ERA Report Series, ERA Report
R. Klein
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Non-hydrostatic Modelling, 8-10 November 2010
T. Komori
K. Yoshimoto
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
F. Kwasniok
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
L.P. Riishojgaard
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF-JCSDA Workshop on Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitation into NWP Models, 15-17 June 2010
Mike Fisher
2011, Presentation, ECMWF Annual Seminar 2011, ECMWF Annual Seminar
T.N. Palmer
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
C. Penland
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
Philippe Lopez
A. McNally
W. Bell
Deborah Salmond
Carla Cardinali
E. Hólm
Jiandong Gong
G. Radnóti
Anne Fouilloux
Saleh Abdalla
F. Karbou
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF-JCSDA Workshop on Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitation into NWP Models, 15-17 June 2010
Peter Yau
Jason Milbrandt
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF-JCSDA Workshop on Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitation into NWP Models, 15-17 June 2010
Philippe Lopez
2011, Conference Paper, ECMWF-JCSDA Workshop on Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitation into NWP Models, 15-17 June 2010
R. Pincus
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011
R.S. Plant
R.J. Weane
J. Tennant
M.A.W. Whitall
2011, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representing Model Uncertainty and Error in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction Models, 20-24 June 2011