Search ECMWF publications

Showing 481 - 491 of 491 results
B. Machenhauer
1987, Conference Paper, Seminar on the Nature and Prediction of Extra Tropical Weather Systems. 7-11 September 1987
J. Gibson
M. Dragosavac
1987, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
D. Anderson
A. Hollingsworth
S. Uppala
P. Woiceshyn
1987, Report, ECMWF Contract Report to ESA, ESRIN Contract 6297/86/HGE-I(SC), ESA Contract Report
Peter Janssen
P. Lionello
M. Reistad
A. Hollingsworth
1987, Report, ECMWF Contract Report to ESA, ESRIN Contract 6297/86/HGE-I(SC), ESA Contract Report