ECMWF | Reading | 18-21 October 2016
Convened by the CERES, GERB, and ScaRaB Megha-Tropiques science teams
The science teams from the CERES, GERB and ScaRaB missions convened a workshop on the Earth Radiation Budget (ERB). The workshop took place from 18 – 21 October 2016 and was hosted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) at Shinfield Park, Reading, UK.
These three satellite missions are dedicated to providing observational data on the Earth’s radiation budget and bring distinct perspectives to the observational problem. CERES provides cloud-aerosol-radiation budget data globally each day from a sun-synchronous orbit. GERB provides very high temporal coverage of the ERB from its geostationary orbit over a limited portion of the Earth, and ScaRaB Megha-Tropiques provides ERB data from a low-inclination orbit giving a unique insight into the tropical atmosphere. The current data from these three missions are being been used for climate monitoring, process studies and model evaluation.
Workshop description
This workshop brought together the CERES, GERB, and ScaRaB communities with the modelling community. Presentations explored the current problems related to the Earth Radiation Budget and addressed the use of these observations for understanding climate and evaluating models.
Workshop outline
The workshop commenced with 1.5 days of presentations from the three science teams on instrument, algorithm and validation status, followed by 2.5 days of invited and contributed science presentations from the wider community.
Meeting Chairs
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Norman Loeb |
Helen Brindley (GERB PI) |
Remy Roca (ScaRab Megha-Tropiques PI) |
Invited speakers
Martin Wild, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
The surface energy budget and its representation in CMIP5 models
Simon Tett, University of Edinburgh, UK
Constraining Climate Sensitivity using Top Of Atmosphere Radiation Measurement
Robin Hogan, ECMWF, UK
What is the impact of 3D radiative transfer on the global radiation budget?
Alejandro Bodas-Salcedo, UK Met Office
The Earth's radiation budget in the midlatitudes: the role of supercooled liquid clouds
Jonathan Gregory, NCAS-Climate, University of Reading and Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter
The inconsistency of transient climate response