Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) dedicated dataset

The SOFF (Systematic Observations Financing Facility) initiative from the WMO is aimed at supporting beneficiary countries to generate and exchange GBON (Global Basic Observing Network) data. These data are critical for improved weather forecasts and climate services.

SOFF currently lists 76 beneficiary countries. ECMWF will provide the beneficiary countries with access to a dedicated dataset of high-resolution forecasts in real-time. ECMWF is implementing this support in phases and is now in the process of providing some first National Meteorological Services with access to this dataset.

There are in total 6 regions defined:

  • West Africa
  • Central and east Africa
  • Southern Africa
  • Asia
  • Pacific
  • Latin America and the Caribbean

Product description

The products are High-Resolution (HRES) forecast and analysis data with a 0.1° by 0.1° grid.

Surface level data - Analysis
Analysis fields can be provided for base time 00, 06, 12 or 18

Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for time 06 & 18 Domain Access
slt Soil type ~ 43 Surface 0 0 Dependent on region  

Surface level data - Forecast

Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for time 06 & 18 Domain Access
slt Soil type ~ 43 Surface 0 0 Dependent on region  
10u 10 metre U wind component m s**-1 165 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
10v 10 metre V wind component m s**-1 166 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
2t 2 metre temperature K 167 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
2d 2 metre dewpoint temperature K 168 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
lsm Land-sea mask (0 - 1) 172 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
sp Surface pressure Pa 134 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
msl Mean sea level pressure Pa 151 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
skt Skin temperature K 235 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
src Skin reservoir content m of water equivalent 198 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
ci Sea ice area fraction (0 - 1) 31 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
sst Sea surface temperature K 34 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
rsn Snow density kg m**-3 33 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
sd Snow depth m of water equivalent 141 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
asn Snow albedo (0 - 1) 32 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
tsn Temperature of snow layer K 238 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
stl1 Soil temperature level 1 K 139 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
stl2 Soil temperature level 2 K 170 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
stl3 Soil temperature level 3 K 183 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
stl4 Soil temperature level 4 K 236 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
swvl1 Volumetric soil water layer 1 m**3 m**-3 39 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
swvl2 Volumetric soil water layer 2 m**3 m**-3 40 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
swvl3 Volumetric soil water layer 3 m**3 m**-3 41 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
swvl4 Volumetric soil water layer 4 m**3 m**-3 42 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
z Geopotential m**2 s**-2 129 Surface 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  

Pressure level data - Forecast

Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for time 06 & 18 Domain Access
T Temperature K 130 100, 200, 250,  500, 850, 1000 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
U U component of wind m s**-1  131 100, 200, 250,  500, 850, 1000 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
V V component of wind m s**-1  132 100, 200, 250,  500, 850, 1000 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
R Relative humidity % 157 100, 200, 250,  500, 850, 1000 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
Z Geopotential m**2 s**-2 129 100, 200, 250,  500, 850, 1000 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  

Model level data - Forecast

Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for time 06 & 18 Domain Access
T Temperature K 130 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
U U component of wind m s**-1  131 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
V V component of wind m s**-1  132 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
W Vertical velocity m s**-1  135 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
Q Specific humidity kg kg**-1 133 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
CLWC Specific cloud liquid water content kg kg**-1 246 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
CIWC Specific cloud ice water content kg kg**-1 247 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
CRWC Specific rain water content kg kg**-1 75 1 to 137 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  
LNSP Logarithm of surface pressure ~ 152 1 0 to 90 by 3 - Dependent on region  