SMOS Monitoring Report number IV

SMOS Monitoring Report number IV
Date Published
ESA Contract Report
J. Muñoz-Sabater
L. Isaksen
Event Series/Collection
ESA Contract Report

Contracted by the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is involved in global monitoring and data assimilation of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission data. For the first time, a new innovative remote sensing technique based on radiometric aperture synthesis is used in SMOS to observe soil moisture over continental surfaces and ocean salinity over oceans. Monitoring SMOS data (i.e. the comparison between the observed value and the model equivalent of that observation) is therefore of special interest and a requirement prior to assimilation experiments. This report is the fourth Monitoring Report delivered to ESA. The objective is to report on the monitoring activities of SMOS data over land and sea on a long term basis, investigating also the multiangular and multi-polarised aspect of the SMOS observations. This report presents SMOS data monitoring results for the whole year 2013, using Near Real Time (NRT) data. It is worth mentioning that the SMOS monitoring research suite was substituted by the operational suite in July 2013, within ECMWF cycle 38r2, as it will be observed in some plots of this report.