Milestone 2 Tech Note - Parts 1/2/3: Operational Pre-processing chain, Collocation software development and Offline monitoring suite

Milestone 2 Tech Note - Parts 1/2/3: Operational Pre-processing chain, Collocation software development and Offline monitoring suite
Date Published
Milestone 2 Technical Note - Parts 1/2/3 ESA/ESRIN Contract 20244/07/I-LG
Document Number
2010:ESA Contract 20244/07/I-LG
J.M. Sabater
Event Series/Collection
ESA Contract Report
Abstract Contracted by the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecasts (ECMWF) is involved in global monitoring and data assimilation of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission data. SMOS is the second Earth's Explorer mission of the ESA Living Planet Programme. Monitoring SMOS data is of special interest, as for the first time a new innovative remote sensing technique is used to observe soil moisture over continental surfaces and ocean salinity over oceans. To this purpose, ECMWF has developed an offline monitoring chain. Prior to monitoring of SMOS data, a series of pre-processing routines check all the available observations and select a consistent subset of data which input the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of ECMWF. As part of the monitoring chain the software includes also the routines that makes it possible to collocate SMOS observations with model grid points to allow a fair comparison with a model simulation in model space. This report is the second Milestone Technical Note / Progress Report of the ESA Request for Quotation RfQ 3-11640/06/I-LG. It is divided in three related parts, providing technical documentation of the SMOS pre-processing chain, the collocation software development and the offline monitoring suite with SMOS data.