Annual seminar on key issues in the parametrization of sub grid physical processes

The annual seminar on key issues in the parametrization of sub grid physical processes took place from 3 to 7 September 2001.


Radiative transfer and cloud variability: from remote sensing to climate sensitivity

H W Barker

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An overview of methods for handling, and issues facing, subgrid-scale radiative transfer in large-scale atmospheric models

H W Barker

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Issues in boundary layer parametrization for large scale models

A Beljaars

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The diurnal cycle over land

A K Betts

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Sub-grid scale orography parametrizations

P Bougeault

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High-resolution modelling of ice- and mixed-phase clouds: the GCSS WG2/WG3 experience

P R A Brown

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Interaction of parametrised processes and resolved dynamics

M Cullen

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Parametrization issues in the non-hydrostatic NWP-model LM

G Doms

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Dynamics of cloud boundary layers

P G Duynkerke

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Cloud parametrization - progress, problems and prospects

C Jakob

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The continuing evolution of land surface parameterisations

R Koster

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Current issues in cumulus parameterization

S K Krueger

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Verification of physical parameters: upscaling or downscaling?

F Lalaurette

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Empirical studies of unobservable parameters

B Mapes

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Validation of parametrized forcing in NWP and climate models

S Milton

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Some interpretations of stochastic physical parametrizations

G Shutts

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Parametrization and resolution issues raised by tropical variability on diurnal to intraseasonal timescales

J Slingo

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