Annual Seminar registration still open

Annual Seminar 2016, ocean currents graphic

Registration for this year’s Annual Seminar on ‘Earth system modelling for seamless prediction’, which runs from 5 to 8 September 2016, remains open until 4 August.

Twenty-two speakers from ECMWF as well as universities and meteorological services in Europe, the United States and Canada will present progress and challenges in different areas of Earth system modelling. They will discuss which Earth system processes need to be included, and at what level of complexity, to further extend atmospheric predictive skill.

ECMWF’s new Strategy for the next ten years identifies advances in Earth system modelling as an essential part of efforts to further improve the skill of weather forecasts at all timescales.

In addition to Earth system modelling, including how best to initialise numerical integrations, the Seminar will address the question of how to build effective and efficient seamless ensembles.

In numerical weather prediction, the term ‘Earth system’ refers to the Earth’s fluid envelope and its interactions with its boundaries. Earth system components such as the atmosphere, the oceans, sea ice and the continental land surface have a significant impact on the weather.

'Seamless’ prediction refers to the ability to produce skilful forecasts across different temporal and spatial scales, from minutes to months and from a few kilometres to thousands of kilometres.

The Annual Seminar has a long tradition at ECMWF and is a well-known event in the European meteorological calendar. It is part of ECMWF’s educational programme and always covers a topic related to numerical modelling and forecasting. The purpose is to give an overview of a particular research area to mainly young scientists.

For more information, visit the Annual Seminar 2016 page.

To register, go to the Registration page.