Ongoing research project |  -

 TIGGE – global ensemble forecast data

The TIGGE dataset consists of ensemble forecast data from 13 global NWP centres, starting from October 2006, which has been made available for scientific research, via data archive portals at ECMWF and CMA. TIGGE has become a focal point for a range of research projects, including research on ensemble forecasting, predictability and the development of products to improve the prediction of severe weather.

TIGGE was established as a key component of THORPEX: a World Weather Research Programme to accelerate the improvements in the accuracy of 1-day to 2-week high-impact weather forecasts for the benefit of humanity. The name TIGGE originally stood for “THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble”. With the completion of THORPEX, the name was officially changed to “The International Grand Global Ensemble”, but it is recommended to simply refer to “TIGGE”.

Although the 10-year THORPEX program ended at the end of 2014, TIGGE has continued and the next five-year phase of the archive (2024–2028) is currently underway.

Find out more at the TIGGE website.

TIGGE-LAM for regional ensemble forecasts

TIGGE-LAM was an extension of TIGGE archive to include weather forecasts from limited-area model (LAM) ensembles. TIGGE-LAM archive was deprecated by the end of June 2019 and is no longer available for users.


Links with GEO (Group on Earth Observations)

Both TIGGE and TIGGE-LAM form part of the weather contribution to the Global Earth Observation System-of-Systems (GEOSS) and are  accessible through the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI).
The TIGGE-LAM archive has been developed as part of the EU-funded GEOWOW project to improve Earth observation data discovery, accessibility and exploitability.