ECMWF opens call for external evaluators for Copernicus tenders

Copernicus illustration for news item about external evaluators

ECMWF is calling for independent external experts to evaluate proposals from providers responding to invitations to tender for the Copernicus programme.

Copernicus is the European Union (EU) flagship Earth-observation programme. It will ensure operational monitoring of the atmosphere, oceans, and continental surfaces, and will provide reliable, validated information services for a range of environmental and security applications. ECMWF is operating the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) on behalf of the European Commission until the end of 2020.

The CAMS and C3S will be implemented by a network of providers, who will be selected through open invitations to tender (ITTs). ECMWF is calling for independent experts in a number of scientific and technical areas to evaluate the proposals sent in response to the ITTs. Experts will evaluate proposals remotely or at premises chosen by ECMWF using an online evaluation system. To qualify, experts will have to demonstrate relevant and considerable expertise and to sign a declaration of confidentiality and absence of conflict of interest.

For full details and to apply online, please see the Call for external evaluators page.