AU - Bob Riddaway
AB -
- Towards a global meso-scale model: The high-resolution system T799L91 and T399L62 EPS
- The ECMWF Variable Resolution Ensemble Prediction System (VAREPS)
- Surface pressure bias correction in data assimilation
BT - ECMWF Newsletter
C1 - Research
DA - 07/2006
IS - 108
LA - eng
N2 - - Towards a global meso-scale model: The high-resolution system T799L91 and T399L62 EPS
- The ECMWF Variable Resolution Ensemble Prediction System (VAREPS)
- Surface pressure bias correction in data assimilation
PY - 2006
T2 - ECMWF Newsletter
TI - Newsletter No. 108 - Summer 2006
ER -