AU - Bob Riddaway
AB -
- The new all-sky assimilation system for passive microwave satellite imager observations
- Tracking fronts and extra-tropical cyclones
- Progress in the implementation of Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems (HEPS) in Europe for operational flood forecasting
- An experiment with a 46-day Ensemble Prediciton System
- Evaluation of AMVs derived from ECMWF model simulations
BT - ECMWF Newsletter
C1 - Research
DA - 10/2009
IS - 121
LA - eng
N2 - - The new all-sky assimilation system for passive microwave satellite imager observations
- Tracking fronts and extra-tropical cyclones
- Progress in the implementation of Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems (HEPS) in Europe for operational flood forecasting
- An experiment with a 46-day Ensemble Prediciton System
- Evaluation of AMVs derived from ECMWF model simulations
PY - 2009
T2 - ECMWF Newsletter
TI - Newsletter No. 121 - Autumn 2009
ER -