author = {ECMWF},
title = {Newsletter No. 79 - Spring 1998},
abstract = {
- Changes to the operational forecasting system
- Introduction of revised parametrizations of physical processes into the IFS
- Tubing: An alternative to clustering for EPS classification
- Simulation of fog with the ECMWF prognostic cloud scheme
- On spurious chaotic behaviour in the discretized ECMWF physics scheme
- Use of the Fujitsu VPP700 for weather forecasting at ECMWF
- A modified set-up of the advection scheme in the ECMWF wave model
- Closure of the ECFILE service
- TAC Representatives, Computing Representatives and Meteorological Contact Points
year = {1998},
journal = {ECMWF Newsletter},
month = {04/1998},
language = {eng},